Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 7

Barb in the first sulphur pool
 We docked at Roseau, population 14,500, the capital city of Dominica. What a delightful little island. The island is extreme in their protection of their environment. There are no major hotel chains on the island and very few hotels of any kind and plan to keep it that way.

We docked right at the base of the city and the tempteture was again in the 80’s. Dominica is very mountainous and they average 360 inches of rain in the mountains and 65 inches or rain along the coast so needless to say, it is a very lush island.

Lunch on the beach
We took a cab to one of the most famous spots on the island and it is called Screw’s Sulphur Spa and what a place to visit. Screw is the name of the man who owns it and it is a series of natural mineral pools in the middle of rainforest vegetation. It is not only very relaxing and therapeutic, but also very beautiful. The pools are fed by a Sulphur Spring and also by the run off on the mountains.

For $10 each, you have one hour to soak in their very, very hot sulphur spring pools. There are several of them all connected together and mountain water is mixed in to lower the tempeture in some of the pools.

The black sand beach
Then there also is a very cold pool for you to soak in at the end and this is totally fed by the mountain streams.

Our driver then took us to beautiful beach, which was about 30 minutes up the coast. They have very few beaches in Dominica and the neat thing is that they are black sand, because of the volcanoes!

We had a wonderful meal on the beach and it was, no question, the finest meal that we have every had on any beach. The presentation of the skewered meat and the bread fruit was what you would expect at a fine restaurant, not a beach restaurant. And, the cost was only $8, including two sodas.

Then it was back to the town to watch their annual Carnival parade which was crazy. They start drinking at the beginning of the parade and the party goes into the night. Too bad we had to leave. Dinner was excellent once again and good fun with our newest friends.


The show was a celebration of award winning music from Hollywood and Broadway musicals and they did a great job.

Then to the casino where the results weren’t as good as we would have liked but we had fun.

Tomorrow Grenada

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