Wednesday, January 14, 2015

January 2015 – Day 7, Wednesday, January 14

St. John’s is the capital of Antigua and it is a city of only 31,000 and it was beautiful when we arrived in port with a Costa Cruise Line ship already docked.
Soon after we docked, the Carnival Freedom arrived in port and docked right across from us.  It was amazing to watch another big ship guide ever so slowly into port only feet away from us.
We took our time leaving the ship and after getting off we hired a taxi to take us to Hawksbill Resort an all-inclusive resort north of town with a tremendous beach about 1 mile down the coast from the resorts entrance.
It took us about ½ hour to reach the entrance to the beach and looking down the beach there were only about 4 other couples on the entire beach!!  As photos are not allowed on the beach, the only picture we have is one from the cliff at the entrance.
We stayed on the beach for 2 ½ hours and then walked back to the entrance of the resort where our taxi arrived shortly afterwards to pick us up.
It was about a 1/2ride back to town where the taxi driver let us out right in front of the main port shopping area – what surprise!!
After shopping and buying things that we really, really needed, we walked back to the ship, dropped our “stuff” off at the room and went up to the food deck and had a late lunch.
Then it was back to the room to shower and take a nap.
We woke up to the sound of the ships horn indicating that we were about to leave and so we sat out on the deck and watched us sail away from Antigua – it was a great day.
We dressed and went to several areas to listen to music and played a quick session of blackjack and came away even.
The show tonight was a magician who was probably the best magician we have ever seen on a cruise ship – he was amazing.
Then it was dinner time and once again the food was great.
The casino however was another story and both of us lost –but the good news is that we were able to get to bed before midnight for the first time
Tomorrow St. Martins and one of our favorite beaches – Orient Beach.
The Carnival Freedom arriving

Ready for the beach

The beach at Hawksbill Resort

Great home made ice cream

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