Friday, January 1, 2016

New Years - 2016 - Days 1 & 2

This was one of the few trips that we didn’t leave at 6am but left at 11am from the Bloomington airport and flew to Atlanta.  We had a 9 hour wait and we didn’t like any of the restaurants on the International Terminal so we went by the tram to another concourse and had lunch.

After lunch, Ed went to Brookstones to buy a universal power adapter and when we went back to the International Terminal he realized that he did not have his billfold.  There was a Brookstones right across from where we were leaving from and they called to the other store and as luck would have it, it wasn’t there.  So, we lost $100 and three credit card- so we spent the next hour or so calling the credit card companies and cancelling credit cards.

 We boarded the plane to Buenos Aires almost right on time and after they fed us dinner we attempted to get some sleep.  We had great seats; however, sleep is never easy on a plane trip like that.

 We landed in Buenos Aires a little early and were through customs with our bags in about ½ hour – that’s fast.

 We had already arranged for a car to take us to the hotel so we found the driver and went to the car.  We arrived in a huge rain storm and luckily the driver had backed the car under a canopy and so he could load all of the luggage without it all getting wet.  The ride took about ½ hours and we were at our hotel – the Plaza Buenos Aires a lot earlier than we had expected.  We had written to the Front Desk Manager asking for an early check-in and they had one for us so we were in our room very early. 

The Plaza Hotel was built in 1909 and it is amazing.  Up until just a short time ago, it was a Marriott property but is now owned and managed privately; except for Marriott Platinum members who still get a free breakfast and have an executive lounge.  We are one of the last to receive these privileges as for new guests arriving after tomorrow, the privilege stops with the new ownership.  The hotel is beautiful and a very elegant European style where the rooms are not large but good rooms.

 We decided that because we had such little sleep to take a 2 hour nap and when we work up at 1pm, we went out walking down the main shopping street which is a pedestrian mall.  99% of the shops were closed but we had fun going into the ones that were open.  It is about 20 blocks long so it will be fun one night when we go out.

 Half way down the street we stopped for lunch at ate outside.  Then we continued to walk to the end and took a cab back to the hotel.

 We changed clothes and took a cab out to the start of the Dakar Race, which is an international race going thru multiple countries that Jeff had told us about.  There are hundreds of motorcycles and cars all set for the start tomorrow.

Then it was back to the hotel to rest a little and then we took a cab to a steak restaurant that our last casino manager had recommended.

 Dinner was wonderful and we ordered and ate way too much.  We had lots of rolls, salmon tar-tar, sliced mushrooms, veal cappacio (sp) and a huge t-bone steak.  Three appetizers and an entrĂ©e all served at the same time so we could split them – way too much food.

 After dinner we walked on the waterfront for a little bit and then took a cab back to the hotel.  Cabs are really cheap.  The ride probably took 10 – 15 minutes and it cost 50 pesos which is $3.85 and that includes the tip!! 

You also have to watch out and get into the right taxi as we were told a lot of them are controlled by the Argentina Mafia.  Even though this hotel is one of the biggest in the city, you have to have the desk call a taxi for you to make sure you don’t get ripped off!!

Money is really strange when you pay $1375 for dinner and it is only $100 in US dollars.  They also use the dollar sign so it makes it doubly confusing.  We saw a sign for a McDonalds Big Mac and it was $33, which is $2.55 US!

Tomorrow is going to be a fun day as we have an all day city tour with a guide who will meet us in the lobby of the hotel at 9am. 

Night from Argentina.

Going out for the first day

Stairway from the lobby

The Plaza Hotel


A typical building

Part of the Dakar Race cars


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