Sunday, March 3, 2013

Spring 2013 – Day 4

Well we woke up to cloudy skies and they stayed cloudy all day. This is the first cruise that we have ever taken where the first two days were cloudy and not sun. Coupled with the two days in Miami also being cloudy, our tans are no where to be seen!

Ed was up on the deck early and spent most of the morning reading and just relaxing while Barb stayed in bed fighting off something.

At Noon we ate and then went to the slot tournament where out of about 30 players neither of us qualified for the finals – but it is always fun.

They we watched the quartet perform and this one might be the best vocal group we have every heard on a Celebrity ship.

Ed then played some blackjack with Jeff and Vera and came out ahead so it was a good afternoon.

After a nap (nap’s are good!) we dressed for formal night and went people watching and of course had our picture taken.

Dinner was excellent and then we went to the show, the first large production show of the trip and as far as we were concerned, it was just ok.

Then it was on to the casino where Ed lost what he had won in the afternoon and Barb didn’t do well at slots.

Finally it was time to go to bed and we turn the clocks forward tonight. At least we don’t have to get up early in the morning as it is already 1:30 am, now 2:30am.

Tomorrow we have another day at sea until we arrive at San Juan at about 3:00 pm.

That’s it for tonight – oh bye the way – Barb is feeling better.

Barb's Flowers

Great Quartet

First Formal Night

A Rose, Rose Petals and two Swans when we arrived back at our cabin!!

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