Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 3

Houses in Ft. Lauderdale
Well we woke up late to a beautiful Florida sky.

After driving around a little looking at huge mansions on the way to Miami Beach, we stopped at Haulover Beach for the afternoon. What a wonderful beach at the north end of Miami Beach. Sorry, we don’t have any pictures as you are not allowed to take pictures for obvious reasons.

A drink before dinner on South Beach 
You will have to Google it to see the beach. The sun was hot and it was a great beach.

Then it was on to South Beach where we got lucky and found a parking spot on the street. We walked the closed off street until we found a restaurant that looked good. We were able to get a table right on the edge so we could watch the people and it was great people-watching time.

After drinks and dinner we walked the rest of the South Beach area and when we were tired we went back to the car for the hour drive back to Ft. Lauderdale.

We had a fun day and evening.

Tomorrow the boat.

For some reasons the pictures will not load so I will try later.

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