Monday, January 6, 2020

New Years 2020 – Day 8

It’s St. Thomas – jewelry shopping capital of the entire world.  The nice thing is the only thing that we were expecting to buy was Kahula and we already knew the best shop in town to buy from.

We slept late and left the ship at about 9:30am, walked through the made for the tourists shops at the dock and got on the shuttle to go to the main part of town.

At least 20 years ago in one of our early trips, we had met the lady from Chicago who ran a small restaurant in the middle of an alley in town.  Then she worked in a popular restaurant called the Green Door and finally she opened up her own restaurant on the end of town.  Jen is her name and the restaurant is Jen’s CafĂ©.  We stopped in to see her as we have done on past trips and had a snack of conch fritters while talking to her and her daughter who is now 21!!  Just fun.

Then we bought a bottle of Kahula and walked into several stores.  Guess what – not only did Barb buy a ring, she bought another one from another store while we were waiting for them to size her ring in the first store!! 

We also bought a table cloth for the kitchen table when it is fully extended from a store that seemed to be going out of business.  Anyway, it was a g great price.

After we picked up the first ring, we got on the shuttle and came back to the ship and had a late lunch.

We cleaned up from the day and went down to the main lobby area to listen to music at 5:30pm, danced and people watched.

The show tonight was a Broadway musical performance by the cast performing music from some of the great Broadway musicals and it was a very, very good show.

Then we went to our restaurant and enjoy another fine meal and good conversations with a couple we met two nights ago.

After dinner of course we went to the casino where Barb won and Ed also won.

Tomorrow is our last island, St. Martins and of course we will go to the beach.

San Juan last night from our deck

Buying earrings

Jen and Barb

One of Barb's new rings

Our ship, the Celebrity Reflection

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