Sunday, March 3, 2019

Day 11 – March 3 - Spring Miami-Cuba - 2019

Our first full day on the Carnival Paradise and it beautiful wherever we are.

Ed had his breakfast and Barb got ready and we went up to the top deck to be in the sun

Today we arrived in Key West at Noon and since we have just been here last week and a couple of months ago, we took our time getting off and going into town.

We left the ship at 1pm and took the shuttle into town and walked around buying some things that we just had to have, including some Mango Wine after a wine tasting.  We also went to a run factory and had a tasting.

Last week, one of the shop owners that we talked to said that living in Key West was like living in a Dr. Seuess book!!

We finished at about 3:30pm and took the shuttle back to the ship.

This was dress up night and they call it Evening Chic so it was fun and the food in the restaurant was just fine.

Before dinner we went to the show which all about the music and dancing on Cuba and it was very good.

Then we went to the casino where Barb lost and Ed won and for the second day, we are still in the positive for the Cuba cruise

Before we went to bed we organized everything for Cuba as we will be getting up early to fully experience Cuba – it should be fun.


Barb's good morning towell animal

Buying some Mango wine to go

Out for the evening

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