Saturday, January 4, 2020

New Years – 2020 – Day 6

What a wonderful day for our first sea day.  We awoke to 81 degree weather with a little breeze – perfect for being up on the deck in the sun.

We stayed out until noon and then went to eat and back to our room to change for the afternoon.

At 2pm Ed played in a blackjack tournament and did not qualify.  We both played a session in the casino and Barb broke even and Ed didn’t play.

We sat in the lobby and watched the band play and people dancing and we even had time to get in one dance before going to the show.

The show was one of elaborate production numbers and it was a good show with wonderful singing and dancing; however, we never did figure what the story they were trying to tell us!!

At dinner, we sat with a different couple and had fun talking with them as we had dinner.  The restaurant we are eating in, Blu seats people as then come in so you never know who you will be sitting next to, so it’s kind of fun.

We then went to the casino where Barb was even again and Ed won – so it was a good day.

At 10:30pm we went to the late night comedy show and he was just ok.
Tonight we move the clocks 1 hour forward and we arrive in San Juan later in the afternoon.

My USB port on my laptop is not working so there will be no pictures on the blog until I get it fixed.  I will take pictures by iPhone and send them instead.

Night for now.

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