Saturday, November 5, 2016

Asia – 2017 – Day 10

This was a sea day and these days are usually fun if it is sunny; however, it wasn’t, so it was still a good day, but we didn’t get any sun.

In the morning, Ed had breakfast and went to the gym and then worked on catching up on the blog.

Barb was able to sleep in so all-in-all it was a very relaxing morning. 

Lunch was in the Aqua-Spa and we had a grilled chicken and a grilled salmon lunch that we shared.

In the afternoon, we both played a session and Barb lost just a little and Ed had a good session.

The show was a female singer from Jamaica who was working and living in Tokyo and she was really, really good.

Dinner was very good and then we went to the casino where Barb broke even and Ed had a good night.

This is a short blog and few pictures because that’s what happens when you have a sea day.

It was a peaceful day and tomorrow we go to our last Vietnam City, Saigon, now known as Ho Chi Minh City. 

We are doing it on our own so it should be fun.

Going out for they day

A bottle of wine from the Hotel Director - we shared it at our dinner table
Going out for the evening

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