Monday, January 13, 2020

New Years 2020 – Day 15

We woke up to a beautiful day of 78 degrees in Grand Turk.  Brand Turk is the capitol of the Turk & Caicos Islands.  It is a very small island, measuring only 6.07 miles by 1.6 miles at its widest part. 

We have been here before; however we docked at the main town of Cockburn Town, the capital.  Were we are docked today is a port made by Carnival Corporation for their cruise ship.  They encourage everyone to stay right in this port, except if you were taking a Carnival tou

Of course, we don’t like ships tours so we rented a golf cart to go around the island to see the sights ourselves.

We first headed north to Cockburn Town and missed the little town so after going to the end of the island, we doubled back and found the turnoff to town.  The town is only a couple of streets and it was fun driving around.  We found a very local restaurant called Barbs and stopped there for lunch of local seafood
We also bought Kahula for Barb and from the pictures you can see how we took it on the ship – we will explain in person.

As the ship sailed at 1:30pm, we were back on ship at 12:30pm and went to our room and then to the buffet to eat.

Ed worked for a couple of hours and then we got ready for the evening.

Tonight was the first blackjack tournament and Ed didn’t qualify.

We missed the show because of the blackjack tournament.

Dinner was fun in that a new couple joined the table and they both are from Poland but have been in the US for 40 years and speak very good English, with a Polish accent.  They also love to travel so it was fun taking to them.

As always, we then went to the casino where Barb didn’t play and Ed lost for the first time this trip.  Let’s hope for no more losses!!

We have set sail for Lar Romana, Dominican Republic our next port of call tomorrow.

Ready to go out 

Going to tour in our golf cart

It rained on us really hard

Neighborhood pets!

Our tour guide at the National Museum

Of course Barb has to shop

The largest church on the Island

A local street


The food was good

The view from the beach

Ed preparing Barb's Kaula

Going out for the evening

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