Tuesday, January 13, 2015

January 2015 – Day 6, Tuesday, January 13

St. Lucia is an island that we have not so great memories of a New Years Eve week at one of the Sandles Resorts and Barb had awful sunburn.  But, it is a beautiful island with lots of rocky mountains and wonderful people.

After getting up and having breakfast, we left the ship and took a taxi from the port into town.  It was only a 30 minute walk, but why walk as it was very hot and very humid.
There were two major sections that we visited - the craft market and the food market and they are both huge.
For an early lunch we ate at one of the many local stands inside the market and had a really good meal with Lamb, some type of noodles, with veggies and a salad.
After doing more shopping, we took a water taxi back to the ship and changed clothes and went up onto the deck to get some sun.  Two hours was enough so then it was back to the cabin for a nap.
After our nap, we went to the casino and there were no blackjack players so we went to the lounge and listened to the band and when the band finished we went upstairs to listen to a piano player/singer.
Then it was time for dinner and we had fun with our new tablemates.
Tonight at the casino Barb lost a little and Ed had his first losing night – let’s hope it is the only one; however, we are still ahead for the cruise.
Tomorrow we arrive at the town of St. John’s, Antigua

Bought some neat stuff from this lady, including earrings
Lots of vendors

The Market
Our Ship

Lunch at this little shop


Ready for the evening

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