Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 4 – January 2, 2010

The pictures are:
1. Leaving the hotel.
2. The spa tour.
3. First lunch on the ship.
4. Barb’s flowers from Ed, Kahula and fruit basket from the casino.

Well we woke up to a beautiful, clear Florida sky; however, the temperature was only 43 this morning. By the time we left for the cruise ship, it was up to 50 – that’s still cold for Florida but it sure beats the temperature in Illinois!

We dropped the convertible off and they gave us a ride to the ship. Check-in was absolutely perfect. We walked in via the VIP line, were greeted, given our room key and we went right in as they called our group just as we got our key.

We first checked out our dinner table assignment and it looked great, downstairs with a table for 6.

Then we went up to the Lido deck and had a full lunch and explored the ship. It is built like the rest of the Carnival ships but with some nice additions.

Then we went back up to our deck which is adjacent to the spa and had a tour or the spa – wow is it neat. It is the largest afloat at 27,000 square feet and it occupies two decks of the ship, right in front. As we had booked a spa stateroom, we get free use of the spa whenever we want.

The kids gave Barb a birthday gift certificate for a facial and a massage so we booked that for tomorrow – she should really enjoy it. We spent the next several hours walking and sitting in the different areas watching the people. By 4 our luggage had arrived and we unpacked it all – that is always fun and we were able to fit everything in.

We had our pictures taken (of course) and then went to dinner. We had a round table for 6; however one couple didn’t show up. The couple that did eat with us seemed really nice. They are from Port Orange Florida and this is their 100th cruise!! They have their own travel agency called Jim 'n' Janet Morgan and they are at

The opening show was fun and so was the casino. We spent some time with Claudia, who was our host on the cruise to the Balkins two years ago. She is now a shift supervisor.

Time to crash and tomorrow is Nassau.

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