Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Europe 2013 - Day 1

The trip started out when Ed arrived home Sunday afternoon from Chula Vista to find Barb really, really sick.  As a matter of fact, Barb told Ed that she wasn’t sure she should or even could be going.

Barb had gone to the Doctors for the second time on Friday and he gave her new medicine and told her he thought she would be ok.  So with that in mind, Barb decided to wait and see how she felt Monday morning.

We were all packed on Monday morning and Barb felt like she was gaining so off we went to Rome.

 We flew from Bloomington to Chicago and then on to Rome.  Both of the flights went well and we landed in Rome just a little ahead of time.  It took an hour to go through Customs and get our luggage and find out driver – we were then on our way by 10:30am.

We met out driver and for the first time had no problem with fitting our luggage into the car as we were able to pack one less big suitcase – hope we didn’t forget something!

The ride in took about an hour and our room was ready at the Hotel Columbia.  This s a very nice, small clean hotel but as a typical European hotel, the rooms were small and somewhat spartan, but that’s just fine.  The hotel is close to all of the areas that we want to visit and close to the Subway/Train stations.

We ate lunch at a street shop down the street and then we were off seeing the sites that we had picked out.  The first was a big park, and then we took the subway over to the Trevi Fountain and again each of us threw in 3 coins – who knows, we just might be back.

We walked and walked seeing the sights and finally ate dinner at a sandwich shop close to the hotel.

As I am writing this, we have been up for 29 hours.  My knees are hurting but Barb is better and already asleep – s goodnight for the first day.

Hotel Columbia Lobby


Hotel Columbia

Trevi Fountain and yes, we both threw in 3 coins!

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