Monday, March 4, 2013

Spring 2013 – Day 5

We had to move our clocks up one hour last night, so Ed was up on the deck at 9:30am and it was soaking wet from a rain shower that had just finished.

After breakfast it looked like it was clearing so he saved a couple of chairs and by 10:00am it was perfect – sunny and a slight breeze.

We ate a healthy lunch in the Aqua Spa and then stayed on deck until 1:30pm when we felt like we were getting too much sun. I think that we came in just in time.

The ship docked in San Juan a couple of minutes early and we were off the ship and in Old San Juan by 3:00 pm. Out plan was to head quickly to the Presidential Palace as they have an inside tour that we had never taken. When we got there we found out it was closed because there was a major power outage for all or San Juan.

So, we walked around Old San Juan for a couple of hours finding only a couple of places that were open with generators. One of them was a grocery store so we could bring back some Kahula to the ship in Coke bottles.

We felt sorry for the cruise ship passengers who had never been to San Juan as there a lot of neat local shops; however, 99% were closed as were 99% of the restaurants.

Back on the ship, Ed took a short nap and Barb walked around. Then we went back into town as we could see from our deck that the power was on.

We were going to go to a casino we had played at before; however, they couldn’t get their computer system going so we went back to the ship just as it was starting to rain lightly.

We changed for dinner and went to the main lobby to dance and people watch.

Dinner was as usual excellent and we feel that the food is some of the best we have ever had on a cruise ship. In addition, this is certainly the best ship and staff we have ever had.

We didn’t go to the show and instead, went to “work” in the casino.

Ed lost and Barb (hurray) won and offset most of Ed’s losses.

It is a little past 1:30am and time for us to go to bed.
Tomorrow is St. Martian and Orient Beach, one of our favorite beaches.

Night for now.

The fort guarding the harbor as we arrive

Ready to leave the ship

A powered snack from one of our favorite shops

The Celebrity Refelection - the biggest and newest in their fleet

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