Friday, December 9, 2011

Thanksgiving - Christmas 2011

What a month it is between Thanksgiving and Christmas at our house.  We will up-date this as the month goes on and also add pictures and videos.

Jacob trying out the batting cage
With this blog, we will try to show you some of the things that happen in our life at this time of the year.

We were blessed to have Thanksgiving at our house once again and everyone except Jeff and his family made it home. The weather was perfect and we all had a great time.

Jason, with Bill's help finished putting up the batting cage for the kids in the barn and everyone took turns hitting. It is going to be a great place for the kids to have somewhere to go to hit.

Before dinner, we celebrated Bre's birthday. 

After a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner, we formed a line and Jason went into the attic and we passed out the Christmas boxes full of decorations from the attic to the living room and the porch. That is a lot of help so Barb and I don’t have to carry them down ourselves.

Bre's Birthday

Relaxing at Thanksgiving

After thanksgiving, Ed put out all of the electrical lines for the outside lights and Barb worked on the inside. After the lines were all laid out, Barb and Ed worked to put up the lights. In 1 ½ weeks, everything was done and ready for the Christmas season. The lights are on and the inside is a Christmas wonderland.
Barb unwrapping a new cake plate

MaryTherese and Cedric
At this time, we also had the enjoyment of spending the evening with an AirTran  stewardess MaryTherese and her husband that we had met on several AirTran flights over the past couple of year. It was one of those times when you hit it off with someone you meet and say – when you are in town call and she did. We took them out to Beningos for dinner and then spent the rest of the evening with them at Jumers. It was a fun night.
The stockings are hung

The tree with all our memories

On Saturday, December 2, Barb baked cookies for sending out to relatives and for the parties.  After church on Sunday, Barb and Ed decorated all 25 dozen and packed them up for mailing.

Christmas Cookies

It is now December 9 and time for our weekend of parties. We have our church Cursillo party on Friday night and our Bloomington Gold party on Saturday night. Barb has done a wonderful job in preparing for the party, as always. 

Well we made it through the Christmas Parties. We had 16 at each of the parties, including Mrs. Burroughs at the Bloomington Gold party who is 102!!! She is the mother of Bloomington Gold’s CEO, David Burroughs and is a delight. The stories that she can tell are simply wonderful.

Now we get to relax for the next couple of weeks leading up to Christmas and we will enjoy our Christmas time together.

Mrs. Burroughs who is 102 and Barb

From the back of the barn

The bears on the stairs standing watch!!

The drive and west side of the house
From the back of the house

And then there came Christmas!!
How wonderful it was that eveyone was home for Christmas.  Following are some of the pictures from Christmas Day. 
Jeff and Kris
Yes - we did have fun
Jacob, Breanna, Bill & Jackie, Jason & Sharon

So that Barb knows what Big Ben looks like

Jackie with a new vest
Playing games
Cooper & Alex

Everyone needs a bear for a friend!!

All the kids by the tree

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