Saturday, October 19, 2019

Day 4 - Saturday, October 19

Another beautiful day in San Juan – 88 and clear when we woke up.

We had breakfast with Tim and Barb and then while Tim stayed at the hotel to work, the three of us went on a driving tour of Puerto Rico.

We headed south to the city of Ponce, the second largest city on the island.  The route took us over the “mountains” in the center of the island and the road was very, very winding but it was fun.  Also, the scenery was awesome with all the houses built on the sides of the mountains.

We also traveled thru the town at the highest point on the island.  Most of the homes were built right on a ridge with maybe 10’ of back yard. 

After getting to Ponce and heading north back towards San Juan, we found a very small city with a great center square and so we parked to walk around.  We walked into a church which turned out to be Baptist and watched some kids practice singing and the kids and adults welcomed us to visit.  One of them suggested a local restaurant so we went there for lunch and it was great.  Great food, great service and a great setting.

After we left the restaurant, we travelled down the mountain in a major rain storm so we had to go very, very slow.

We finally made it back to San Juan at 5:00pm after driving lots of miles all day, but it was fun. 
We changed for dinner and Barb and Tim came up to our room to have Champaign on our balcony.
Then we went to a local restaurant that we had found a couple of days ago to have a wonderful 2 ½ hour dinner.

After dinner we walked back to the hotel and played a session in the casino where Barb lost a little and Ed won so we are up a little bit after playing 4 days n San Juan – a great start.

We then packed to be ready tomorrow to head to the ship after going to a local Catholic church a few blocks away.

Night from San Juan and tomorrow it will be from the ship – The Freedom Of The Seas.

A house on the edge of a ridge

Lunch - all local, all freashly made

The Baptist Church in town

It really is a dollar store!!

Inside the dollar store

Day 3 – day, Friday, October 18

The morning today was just for relaxing on the beach and then meeting Barb & Tim Freeman, our friends from DC who will be arriving this afternoon.

We slept in and woke up at 8am – what a wonderful start to the day and the weather was beautiful.  This time a few clouds but very hot and humid – a perfect day to go to the beach.

We first ate breakfast together and what a wonderful complimentary breakfast they served us, which was only because of our Marriott awards status.  Normally it would be $34 for the two of us.  It sure pays to stay at Marriott properties.

Then it was time to just relax on the beach and do nothing until Barb and Tim arrived at about 2:30pm.  There room was not ready so we went to the beach restaurant and had lunch and caught up on each other’s lives.

When they left to check-in, we spent more time at the pool before going up to the room to get ready for dinner.

Tim was not feeling well so he did not join us for dinner which was in the entertainment district called La Palcita – lots of bars and restaurants and just a big party on Friday night.

Barb had the salmon and Ed had a Red Snapper – served whole.

After dinner we walked around and people watched before taking a Uber back to the hotel.

Then we played a session with Barbara Freeman joining Ed at blackjack where Ed won and Barb lost a little.

It was fun seeing Barb and Tim and we will enjoy their company over the time of the cruise.
Night from San Juan

Great Pool



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