Friday, October 4, 2024

Day 5 – Friday, October 2024

This is the first of our two sea days and we slept in until about 9am and it was wonderful.

This ship is sooo smooth and the room sooo dark, it sure helps when you want to sleep.

We had breakfast and then were up on the top deck for some sun before going to lunch at Noon.

Then at 1:00pm Ed played in qualifying round of the blackjack tournament and did not qualify.

Then we went back up to be out in the sun; however, we didn’t last long because it was only about 68 degrees and windy.

So, we came back to the room, rested, and then changed for the evening.

Tonight the dress code is Evening Chic so we were down in the center lobby with music early to people watch.

We then went to the show which was a production number by the cast that we had seen before and we didn’t really like it the first time and we feel the same after watching it again.

Dinner in Blu was

Then it was time to go to the casino for our last stop before going to bed.

Tomorrow, we visit the port of Marseille, France and we are looking forward to it.

Night from the Mediterranean somewhere.

Barb's lunch including a corn dog!

                                     Ed's lunch, fish and chocolate marshmellows!!

                               Here is where we are from Barcelona to Marseille

                                                         Going out for the evening

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Day 4 – October 3, 2024

 Today is the day to begin our Celebrity cruise ship adventur.

We slept in a little and then went to breakfast and of course it was wonderful

Everything is fresh and such a wonderful variety would surprise people from the US who come here for the first time.  Nothing is pre-packaged

After breakfast we quickly packed and had a bellman take our bags down to our waiting car who took us to the cruise terminal.

Check-in was very quick as we were one of the first to arrive.

At 11:10am they allowed us to board and we found our stateroom and left our carry-on luggage and went up to the Ocenview Café for lunch.

After lunch we came back to the room to unpack our carry-ons.  Then we completed the safety drill and walked around.

Back to the stateroom, we rested until our only big bag came and they completed unpacking for the cruise.  We cam on this trip with a carry-on each and one big bag and no question, that was a mistake and we will not try that again on this long of a trip.

Then it was time to cleanup and go out for the evening.

Before dinner we went to the 7:00pm show and the entrainment was a comedian who was very funny.

There are several classes of cabins on the ship.  The top category are the Suites, next is Aqua Class, then Concierge Class and finally regular cabins.  We are in Aqua Class as that is the class that the casino gave us.  For Aqua, they have their own dining room called Blu.  After the show, we went to Blu for dinner and sat next to a delightful couple from Vancouver.

Then it was onto the casino.  Before we had left, we had found out that the Casino Host was an individual named Angle.  If you remember our previous cruise, Angle was the host on that MSC ship who surprised us.  We have known Angle many years ago on a Celebrity and he had left Celebrity, worked on his own and then joined MSC.  Tonight we found out that the host was indeed Angle but this time a female – That was disappointing.

Tomorrow is a sea day so we plan to sleep in and hopefully the weather will be warm enough that we an be up on the deck in the sun.

Night - night

Leaving the hotel

Lunch on the ship

Ed wanted sweets

From the ship at lunch

Time to go out for the evening


Wednesday, October 2, 2024

 2024 European Trip

Day 1, 2 & 3 – September 30 – October 3

We believe that this was out first trip to Europe that we started late in the afternoon and it sure made it easier packing. 

We left the house at 2:00pm for our 4:23pm flight to Chicago.  In Chicago we had no time to go slow as it was a long walk from the concourse, we landed to our Barcelona flight.

We only had about a 15-minute wait and we boarded the plane and left at 6:50pm, right on time for the 9-hour flight directly to Barcelona.

It was an easy trip and we had wonderful seats, at the bulkhead and we could really stretch out.

When we arrived in Barcelona, we had a car waiting to pick us up for the ½ hour ride to the hotel, the Marriott Renaissance Inn Barcelona and it is a wonderful hotel, on the north side of the old city.

We spent the rest of the day and evening walking and when we finally went to be at 9:30pm, we had walked 17,00+ steps! 

We are 7 hours ahead of Merna.

This afternoon in Barcelona was all about going into the Old City and it was fun with lots and lots of people!

It took us about an hour+ to walk the length of La Rambla, then main pedestrian street and then we doubled back to go to the gigantic food market called Mercat de la Boqueria.  It is an amazing place with a very extensive collection for all kids of food and lots of different drinks.  We ate our way through the market and finally around 4:30pm ate dinner.  In the morning there is a lot of fresh vendors and other fresh meats.  Later in the afternoon, some of those stalls close and most switch to food and drinks for the afternoon and the evening.

Then it was onto an amazing Flamingo show in a very small intimate theater.  There was a stage and only three rows of seats.  We were there early enough to get from row seats right at the corner.  For a video of this show, see one of our YouTube videos.

Then we walked back to the hotel and crashed for the evening.

On Day 3 (Monday we left, Tuesday was first day in Barcelona and not Day 3), we had a wonderful breakfast and it was one of the best Marriotts breakfasts we have ever had in a Marriott.  It was a totally huge European breakfast with no cereals. waffles, pancakes and “stuff like that.   In the YouTube video you see what we mean.

Then we took a taxi to the Basilica de la Sagrada Family Church.  A Catholic Church that was started in 1852 and is still not completed.

This is our third trip to the Church, one sometime around 1994, we think and then probably 2012 and each time we see something new.

We got there with an hour ahead of time so we walked around and had a bit to eat at one of the streetside restaurants and outside of course.

We finished the tour in an hour and ½ and then visited the Museum within the Church.

Then we walked back to the hotel, which was about an hour.

For dinner tonight we had to take a taxi as it was lightly raining and we went to a Tapas restaurant we walked by the night before and it had a huge line.  Then the hostess said if we came back tonight before 6:30pm.  We got there at 6:00pm and we had a wonderful meal and hopefully the pictures will show all of the courses.

It was only 4 blocks back to the hotel and it was hardly raining so we walked back.

Today were 15,180 steps and we are tired.

Tomorrow, we board the Celebrity Equinox and we are looking forward to the cruise.

Night from Barcelona.

Since we have highspeed internet we can add a lot of photos tonight.

Also, if these pictures look like we ate a lot -  WE DID!!!

Leaving and Becker is not very happy!

On the plane

Time for a snack in the Market

So good!!

Walking and enjoying the sights and sounds

Time for a drink

Another snack

Shucking oysters in the market

\Lots of meats

Time for ice cream

and candy!


The Flamingo Show performers


Our morning picture at breakfast

First course at breakfast

The outside of the Gaudi Church

Barb buying earrings on an umberlla from a street vendor

A stairway inside the Church

Christ over the main alter

Just some of the stained glass windows

Looking up from in front of the alter

Going out for dinner

Tuna Tartar

Red Shrimp


Tuna Belly - we had two


Looking in at another restaurant

The Flamingo show
                                                               Breakfast at the hotel

                                                        The inside of the Gaudi Church




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