Friday, January 2, 2009

Day 2 – January 2, 2009

Well the day started out early without us – we slept in and did we need it.

The pictures are:

. . Barb getting ready for the first day at the beach.
. . Barb with some white skin and tan lines.
. . The casino host sent Barb a bottle of Kahlua and I got the cookies!
. . This was a plate of the food we ate - who knows what it was

While Ed went for breakfast, Barb slept to get extra sleep and we both left the room for the beach at 10:00am and it was wonderful to relax like that.

The beach was perfect and we stayed out until a little after 1. It was a good thing that we came in when we did because we were close to burning and Barb might have!!

We made our first trip to the casino and met our host who invited us to a dinner and a comedy show tonight – free food, why not.
The Governor was sworn into and a lot of stars are on the island, including Jay Lo and Marc Anthony but they weren’t at our hotel. Lots of police on the street and we saw some escorted limos whizzing by us.

The evening started by our attending a VIP casino party in the ballroom. Catered food for about 600 people and we were taken to a front table. The only trouble was that everything was in Spanish!! When we finished eating and the music stopped, that’s when the comedian came on and we snuck out.
The casino staff and Senior Management Host, Jose Luis Soto and his staff do an outstanding job. We wish we could stay here more ofter because this casino staff is THE BEST and this Marriott is the best resort hotel we have every stayed at.

We then went to the casino where Barb did fine and Ed didn’t – oh well, it happens.

We went for a walk outside before gong to bed – another nice day in the warm sunshine.

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