Friday, February 27, 2009

Day 2

The Pictures are:
. . . Our room is the second floor corner.
. . . Two pictures from our room, 1 from each of the balconies
. . . Downtown

This was the first real day of the trip and we totally relaxed. Barb is close to getting over her bronchitis and Ed is about 75% over his – whatever it was. But there is nothing like the sun and sand to help recover.

Anyway – Ed reserved our chairs by the pool when he went to breakfast and we stayed by the pool until 1pm. Then we cleaned up and set up everything with the casino. It is a nice size one. Then we hopped the public bus and rode about 15 minutes into the town.

Nothing is very far away as the island is only 5 miles wide and 19 miles long. We shopped in the stores for a while and then at 5 headed back on the bus, stopping along the way at a shopping center area down the beach from the hotel where we walked around and ate dinner and walked along the beach till we came to our hotel.

Then it was back to the hotel to relax for a little bit and onto the casino.

The casino doesn’t start to get busy until 9 so we will be up late but we can sleep late.

The casino didn’t give either of us a win tonight, but we didn’t lose much. After a walk on the beach it is now time to say goodnight.

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