Sunday, July 5, 2009

New York – Day 3

The pictures are:
1. Under the Brooklyn Bridge.
2, The Intrepid.
3, From the stage of Radio City Music Hall.
4. With a Rockette.
5. On stage with Rick Negron.

The hardest thing that we did today was just getting up- slept until 7 – but we did in time to walk to the waterfront and take a 90 minute water tour of Manhattan. It was a lot of fun because this was the one tour that had a volunteer from the New York Historical Society leading the tour and he was very interesting.

Then it was a short walk to see the USS Intrepid, the Navel carrier that saw action in WWII and in Vietnam.

After the Intrepid, we took a cab to Radio City Music Hall. There we took a 1 hour tour with only 10 people of the facility. Because of a combination of situations, we were able to actually go up on stage. The tour guide says that it happens about 1 in every 100 tours. We also went downstairs and then up to the executive areas on the top floor. We also had a short talk by a Rockette. The theater is huge, seating almost 6,000. The stage is 145 feet long by 85 feet wide.

There was a 10 block street festival on 6th avenue so we walked the length and marveled at all the little stands and the avenue was wall-to-wall with people.

Dinner was a wonderful small Pizza restaurant on Restaurant Row and it was true pizza from Italy and did we ever enjoy it.

At 5:00pm we got lucky and snagged two tickets to In The Heights. This musical won four 2008 Tony awards, for best musical, score, choreography and orchestrations. We were really lucky as it had been sold out earlier. Rick, the guy that we met on the subway yesterday is one of the leads in the play so it was fun watching someone we actually talked to. The music was really fun, the set was just like the City and we had a ball.

Then we decided to send a note backstage after the play and the manager that we talked to told us to go ahead in the stage door and then a stagehand took us right up to the stage where Rick was talking to another couple. As soon as he saw us he yelled “Barb – Ed – I can’t believe that you are here.” He introduced us to his friends form California and we talked for awhile and finally left. What a thrill that he remember us and our names. As we left the stage door there were probably 30 people waiting for autographs and they looked at us like – ok who are you, as we walked by them.

Later we sat on chairs in Times Square and just watched the people – what fun.

Tomorrow we are planning on going to see the UN and then go to the airport for our 3pm flight home, hopefully arriving on time at 10:49pm.

This will be our last entry – what fun to celebrate our anniversary in New York on a long 4th of July weekend – we had a ball.

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