Thursday, September 3, 2009

Europe – 2009 – Day 6

The pictures are all from the Market – an amazing place.
1. Fish
2. More fish
3. Chicken
4. The head of something
5. Cutting meat
6. Pork

Everything is just sitting out on tables, some most of the fish was on ice and the meats were just on table.

We were in the port of Athens when we woke up at 8am and by 9 we were off the ship and on the shuttle bus to take us off the docks. From there it was a 20 minute walk to the city train station and the train into downtown. The train was very crowded and while standing on the train the couple next to us said that they were from Texas and when we said we were from Bloomington, Illinois they said they had lived there. The end of the story is that Ed used to work in the same data processing department as he did. His name was Don Dugan and they left Bloomington in the late 70’s. What a small world!!

Our first stop when we got to the town was the Agora, the fruit, meat and vegetable market of Athens – what an amazing sight. The market was built in 1985 and they have 108 butcher stalls, 150 seafood stalls and 80 fruit and vegetable stalls. A stall is about 30’ wide x 40’ deep and has an average of 5 employees. The meat, fish and everything is displayed right where you can reach out and touch it if you want. Anything you want to eat is at this market. We have never seen anything like it. I hope the pictures that you see will show you how the market was.

We then found a local stand in the market and ate lunch. I do know that I had some kind of liver and other parts and Barb had some kind of sausage. That’s all we could understand but it was really good.

Then it was on to the old city to do shopping. Guess what – Barb bought 2 purses – they were a great bargain and it must be the year of the purse. We also bought a neat statue to put out by the ponds.

After shopping it was time to get on the train and head back to the port – what a fun day.

The evening was walk around, dinner, show and then the casino. Not bad for a fun evening.

Our tablemates and the ship are simply wonderful – this is probably the best ship we have ever sailed on and are looking forward to the rest of the cruise.


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