Sunday, September 6, 2009

Europe – 2009 – day 9

The pictures are:
1. Winning the blackjack tournament.
2. On the deck.
3. Going to dinner
4. Our table at dinner

This was our second sea day and we needed it to rest from the trip so far. Also, Ed has a cold or something. Benadryl tablets seem to be helping. Since we stayed up so late last night, we slept till almost 10am and it felt good.

Nothing much happened except walking around the ship visiting and talking to people and then at 2pm we went to the blackjack tournament. Barb also played in the tournament for only her second blackjack tournament and we both qualified for the finals.

In the finals, Ed won first and Barb won second!!! Wow was that fun. We won $500 and a genuine 100% 24 caret gold plastic trophy. The pictures is of Barb and Ed just after winning with Helen, our casino host.

It is a formal night so we dressed and were out of the room by 7:30pm so we could have pictures taken and then we just people watched.

Then we went to a marvelous dinner, saw a great show with the music of Broadway and onto the casino. We have had lots of people come up and say congratulation for our success in the blackjack the tournament.

Went to sleep about 2am and onto Israel.

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