Monday, March 1, 2010

Las Vegas – Day 4

The pictures are: - The Venetian Hotel
1. The view from our room
2. The new City Center
3. The buffet at the Flamingo

As we have every day, we got up late and were out of the room by 10:30am. We then headed down the strip to see some of the new developments.

Plant Hollywood has a new hotel casino and is it ever spectacular. Of all the casinos on the strip, it was probably the prettiest to us. But, we really, really do like the Venetian.

We ate a not so good lunch on the street and then went into the new City Center property. This just opened property is the largest privately financed development in the world. It consists of several hotels, one huge casino and a number of condominiums and office buildings. As you can see from the picture, some of the buildings are even built on an angle.

Then we worked our way back up the strip, stopping at the Beliago and Caesar’s Palace.

At Caesar’s we sat in their huge sports book and watched the last period of the US vs Canada hockey meet. What an event to see on their big screens and when the US tied the game, the crowd in the sports book went wild. Then we had to leave to go across the street to see an afternoon show at the Flamingo. Before the show, we were able to watch the finals when Canada won.

We saw a magician by the name of Nathan Burton in a very fast-paced magic act. We had front row seats and it was a really good performance. Then it was on to their buffet as we had purchased a package that included the show and dinner.

After that it was back to the Venetian where Ed had absolutely the best run that he has ever had. Barb had just arrived when the steak started so she got to cheer and it was almost unbelievable. There were three of us at the table and everything went right for a really long streak for all of us. As best we can figure, Ed won 18 out of 20 hands, and then lost twice and he stopped playing to protect the winnings for the best run ever.

We then took a cab downtown to see how that area had changed. It was about the same as it was in 2001 when we here before but it was fun seeing and walking in this area again – it is so totally different than the strip. We went into a number of casinos and did well.

Finally it was time to go back to the Venetian and we crashed for the day – a really long, fun day.

See every one on Tuesday. We will write about Monday if anything happens, but we plan to get up late, go to the airport and come home.

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