Thursday, September 16, 2010

Europe – 2010 – Day 14 and the morning of Day 15

The pictures are:
1. Inside the Church
2. The city market
3. The city from a watch tower
4. The beach
5. Lunch
6. Going out

We woke up in our last stop, Cadiz, Spain which is located in southern Spain on a sliver of land jutting out into a bay. Almost entirely surrounded by water, Cadiz is believed to be the oldest city in Europe. Walls still stand, protecting and providing Cadiz with a skyline like no other.

The old quarter is composed of picturesque building, parks and gardens intertwined with narrow cobblestone streets and squares.

We found out that walking from one side of the city to the other is like walking in a maze as there are no streets that go straight for very long.

We did not feel that it was worth it to hire a guide as the city was very small and the major things to see were clearly defined.

We first stopped at the tourism office and picked up a walking map of the city. We soon found out that this city is the easiest to find your way around to the major sights as any city we have ever been to. All of the walking tours are clearly defined by lines painted on the sidewalk and you simply followed the colored line for you tour and stop at each significant place and read about it by the map description or a signboard that was erected at the site.

We started out by going to the local market which is typical or a city in Europe. It is amazing to walk in the market and see fresh fish just sitting on the counter and you can touch it, pick it up and just buy what you exactly want.

One of the highlights was stopping at a small church and when we went in, they were holding mass so we stayed for a little while. The church had been totally restored and it was beautiful – not the largest we were in during the day, but certainly the prettiest.

By noon we had walked to the other side of the city and we spend the next several hours at a local beach. Very, very clear water and a fun place to stop.

Then it was back on the street walking towards the other side of the city and our ship, stopping along the way to eat at a local sidewalk café and shop, or course.

Our evening was the same fun pattern of past nights, dancing before dinner with new friends, a great dinner and then a show and finally the casino.

This blog is late because we were up very late in the casino and then Ed got up early to reserve deck chairs because this is a day at sea.

We sat out on the deck until noon and then ate lunch and are now back in the cabin getting ready for the afternoon and evening fun.

This is being written at noon and so we won’t write one tonight but will right one tomorrow, our last day (for this trip) at sea.

The next entry will be tomorrow, late Friday and it will combine this afternoon and Friday as we are at sea and it is just fun.

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