Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Europe – 2010 – Day 7

The pictures are:
1. Glass blowing on the upper deck
2. Our ship from the Rock with Spain in the background, the airport in the middle and then Gibraltar up close.
3. A baby ape with our driver and guide
4. Another baby ape with Barb

Gibraltar, United Kingdom –

We awoke at 10:00 am and the sleep was wonderful. After breakfast, we watched the arrival from our balcony and seeing the Rock of Gibraltar approaching was really neat to see.

We docked exactly at 1:00pm and met our guide Paul at 1:30 for a tour of his country.

The Rock of Gibraltar is a sight to behold, towering 1,400 feet above the mouth of the Mediterranean Sea.

We started out our tour by driving across the runway at the airport to the Spanish border. When a plan arrives, they simply stop the traffic and a plan lands. We turned around at the border and went back across the runway to start out tour of the Rock.

On our way to the top of the Rock, we saw the Great Siege Tunnels, which were used a long time ago to defend Gibraltar from French and Spanish invaders. There are 370 feet of tunnels in the Rock. We walked for a while and then walked back out when the tunnels turned very steep.

We then went into St. Michaels Cave which is a spectacular natural grotto featuring some very impressive stalagmites and stalactites. During World Way II this was set up as a hospital inside the Rock.

Besides going to the top of the Rock, one of the highlights were the Barbary Apes. The apes of Gibraltar are actually tailless Macaque Monkeys, who have been on the Rock for a lone time. There are 300 of then and they are amazing animals. We were told to watch our things because they snatch anything and we saw them to just that.

From the top of the Rock, you can see Spain and then very close, you can see Africa - what a sight.

We then concluded our day with shopping; however, didn’t really buy anything. The ship then sailed at 6:00 pm.

Dinner was fun as usual, the show was a comedian who we have seen before and he was really, really funny.

Then it was on to the casino where we came out ahead.

Tomorrow it is a day at sea with blackjack and slot tourmanent qualifying sessions so we will enjoy the weather, play and just relax.

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