Sunday, September 19, 2010

From Barb – Europe 2010 – In her own words

Well, we’re home……always soooo good to be home, and I’ve been able to at least talk to the kid s, so all is well!!!!

Whatta a great trip…I must admit I wasn’t very excited about this trip - what I mean is every other trip we’ve been on had a destination, a place or places we were going that I couldn’t wait for, a place I couldn’t believe I was actually gonna be, but, not so much with this trip…I mean Toulon, been there, of course it was Toulon Illinois but, still….

I’m soooo lucky and that I know but just trying to explain, it was gonna be nice to get away and Ed really needed a break after Gold and Blast…….

Well let me tell ya in some ways this was the bestest trip ever!!!! London was a blast and we got to do things we had missed before and our ship was awesome the crew maybe the best ever, everyone seemed truly happy to be there NOT just doing their jobs. And the casino, the staff was just wonderful and really took great care of us. It also didn’t hurt that I hit for $2,700 the first night.

Can’t tell which stop was the best, ‘cause they all were fabulous, not so touristy but rather like going back in time like way back 600 BC the oldest places in the world, and everyone was so kind and knowledgeable.

Our tablemates were so fun and warm - Astrid and Maurice and also Ian and Vivien and they are already old friends we hope to see again soon, and seeing Heather and Robert from last year was fabulous, only wish we had had more time with them.

It was just an all around beautiful trip, very relaxing, fun, and filled with beautiful people!!!

The only bad part is that we’re not rich and couldn’t take you all along with us, although Ed does a great job on this blog…hope you all enjoyed it with us.

Hope all’s well and happy with you all can’t wait to hug you all!!!

Hugs and Love Barb

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