Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 9

The beach
We awoke in Tortola, part of the British Virgin Islands. What a delightful little island with a big mountain range right in the middle.

First it was off the ship at 8 and shopping in the local craft market right off the ship, right where you can’t miss it – surprise,surprise! Then we walked about 5 minutes into town for some more shopping.
By this time it was 10am and time to catch a shuttle to take us up over their mountain and to the beach on the other side with most of the tourists in town for the day.

The beach from the mountain
The ride was almost straight up and down the mountain, but after 20 minutes we made it to the beach. It was a very pretty beach, but with lots of people. We were there in time to get beach chairs right at the water line. In fact, there were waves that came up and under our chairs a lot of times, but it was fun in the sun there.

Back on the ship we had a late lunch and then sunbathed out on the deck until about 3pm when we went to our cabin to clean up and watch the ship sail.

We were out of our cabin early in the evening and watched people on the promenade deck, picked up our pictures from last night and then went to dinner.

Barb at the beach
After dinner, we skipped the lounge show so that Ed could enter the blackjack tournament. While qualifying was going on Ed played with friends who are good players and the entire table did well. Unfurl, Ed was bumped from the tournament on the last qualifying round while he was playing regular blackjack. But winnings from the table made up for not getting into the finals of the tournament.

That’s it for now – tomorrow is a day at sea and relaxation.

Our ship and a Princess ship in port

Sushi - was it good!!

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