Monday, July 4, 2011

July 4, 2011 – Day 4

What a beautiful day it was and we first took the subway to Fenway Park, the home of the Boston Red Sox. We had a great 1 ½ hour tour of the park just as they were getting it ready for a game.
Fenway Park

Then it was a short subway ride to the Otis Mansion, one of the oldest mansions in Boston and a tour of that home.

We then walked across the old section of town to see the Colonial Theater but it was closed
By this time in the afternoon, it was time to take the subway to the docks and watch Catamaran races, which were fun but it was very hot so we walked over the our hotel and changed for the fireworks.

Catamaran Races
We arrived at the Community Boat Docks at about 6 and found seats along the dock and again met new friends for the evening. The Community Boat Docks is a non-profit organization that has docks for sail boats and also teaches a wide range of sailing and they use their dock space for a VIP July 4th party. We were very lucky to find this organization because the rest of the areas along the river were very packed and it would not have been fun.

While we had all the food, soda, water, fruit smoothies that we could consume, we watched thousands flock into the rest of the land to see the Boston Pops and watch the fireworks.

The seating, food, etc. was one of the best we have ever had for a fireworks show; however, we have seen better fireworks.

Sitting on the Dock
They announced that 500,000 were in the park and thousands more lined the river banks!

We only had to walk about 4 blocks and we got lucky and found a cab to take us back to the hotel.

Tomorrow we leave after having a wonderful July 4th vacation. Boston has been the best town and we wish we had a couple more days but we will be home tomorrow.
We hope to go to the JFK Library before the plane so good night from Boston.

Food at the fireworks

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