Sunday, September 18, 2011

Europe 2011 – Barb – In Her Own Words

Wow it’s 5am Sunday morning for some dumb reason we can’t sleep, so you all are stuck with me!!!!

It really was a wonderful trip…

I still have to pinch myself to be sure it’s real - I mean I’m from North Merna for Pete’s sake!!!!

Don’t know what the best part was, Venice was like a postcard no matter where you looked, it’s unbelievable, and the food, the food everywhere is soooooooooo good so different than ours such fabulous aromas and tastes, I’m seriously going to try to master some of it . . . don’t think I can ever face an Olive Garden again!!!

Croatia is simply a fairly tale it’s no wonder Tony Coucoach (sp) of the Chicago Bulls was such a hero - he would be like the friendly giant.

And Spain, well like all of Europe its so filled with history and beauty and the people are proud and do so know their history an hold their heritage and customs dear, like dance in the streets, not for the tourists but for their enjoyment and to teach the young to carry on with 90 year olds beside 3 year olds smiling wide and enjoying their dance, It’s awesome.

The markets - holy cow you would never believe it probably wouldn’t pass our health dept but I would give anything to have them here - fresh and wonderful lots of fruits & veggies I have never seen & wanted to taste…I think my new dream would be to go back & stay with a family for a week or more and learn to shop the market and cook. That would be amazing.

The cruise itself was not my favorite but you know except the cruise from Hell I took a number of years ago (some of you know what I mean, right sisters) you really can not like any cruise and the weather was perfect.

Ed won money I didn’t loose much and we made a lot of new friends and I got to play dress up everyday!!!

All and all like I said I’m a very lucky girl (ok old broad) and I am so thankful and only wish I could take you all with us.

Thanks Ed, it was another wonderful memory.

Guess I’ll go unpack.


Buh-Bye said...

What an amazing blog!!!! You two are beautiful together!!! I hope to see you two soon!!!!
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