Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Europe 2011 - Day 15

Our Guide Lucas
We awoke in Messina – the second biggest town in Sicily. It looked from the ship like a beautiful, typical European city on the water. 
When we looked at Massena before the cruise, we realized that the number one attraction is Mt. Etna, which is about 2 hours away from the city, so we needed to hire a private guide to take us there, which we did.

We were met at 7:30am on the dock by Lucas, a driver/guide from Sicily Life Tours. (Jackie – the name was appropriate)

What a journey it was. We first rode along the coast line looking at all the beautiful places to live and the very clear water. We stopped first at a house right where the lava stopped flowing in 2001, right at the back door of the house. Then we started climbing toward Mt. Etna and before long we were at the 2000 meters level, which is 1.24 miles from sea level.
The start of the climb

The last major eruption from Mt. Etna was in 2001 and they had 10 small eruptions in that year before the big one. They are expecting a big eruption this year because they have already had 13 small eruptions this year, including one 4 days ago. Our driver said as long as we saw only white smoke that it was ok but if the smoke turned black that could be an eruption. Nice to know.

This is where the tour buses let their passengers off to walk a little more up to view a crater from a 1984 eruption. We however chose to walk up to the top of the last crater to erupt and its top was 2900 meters, which is 1.8 miles up.

The walking was tough because we were high up and the ground was totally lava rocks, some very small and some large. It was also a very dirty walk because of the lava dust that was everywhere. What a walk it was and when we were almost to the top it seemed like the walking area was only about 3’ wide.   I think that our guide was surprised that we made it all the way to the top.

Part way up, you can see 2 craters and also Barb!!
After about 20 minutes we finally made it to the top and the view was amazing. It was like we were standing on the edge of the world.  We could see four craters that have all been active, the latest in 2001.  The last activity on the mountain was 4 weeks ago and since the smoke at the top was white, we were safe to be were we were standing.

We stayed to take pictures and then made our way down the same way we came up.

We had asked our guide to take us to a typical, non tourist, restaurant and so he did.

Before we got to the restaurant, we stopped at a local honey, wine and olive oil shop, sample their products and bought some honey and olive oil to take home. They had some really good wine also, but we couldn’t take it on the flight back.

During the ride, we found out from our guide that the Mafia is still the Mafia and they control a lot of important industries in Sicily. It was an interesting discussion
At the top - 2 to old craters behing Ed

After driving down from Mt. Etna and up another mountain, we came to the town of Castlelona and to the restaurant build into the side of the hill. We had to walk up four flights of very narrow stairs to reach where we sit and eat. Then there was also one more floor up to the roof. What a meal we had for lunch.

Then it was back down the mountain and on the main highway back to Messina where we had to be back on ship by 3:30pm for a 4:00pm sailing back to Barcelona.

We had enough time to do a little shopping in Messina and then it was back to our room to clean up for dinner.

Barb is walking down - yes it is steep!
We also started to organize for the trip back home and the question is how can we get everything packed – but we will find out tomorrow.

Tonight we had dinner in the other specialty restaurant called Cucina del Capitano, an Italian restaurant which only had a $10 cover charge.

Dinner was excellent and really, really good and the service was excellent. This is the first ship in the Carnival fleet to have this restaurant and they have a hit.

Then we went to the show and it was very good – lots of dancing and singing.

Where we ate

And finally, it was to the casino where we were both successful. We did leave early because Barb is suffering from a very bad sore throat. We have some medicine so hopefully it will help her.

Tomorrow is our last full day on the cruise and we will be at sea sailing to Barcelona.

Wish us luck packing.

Night for now

Sweet Dreams Cooper – have a happy birthday.


We ate in the city at the very top of the mountain

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