Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Years – 2012 – Day 2

Ready to go out for the day
We slept late today as we are both still feeling the effects of a cold. Then it was off with the top down in the car to do some shopping. We did not go to the beach because it was a little cloudy and we thought it would be better for us.

The day was basically shopping, lunch and some more shopping, driving around looking at sights and we had fun.

Then it was back to the room to clean up and get ready for dinner.

On our way to dinner, we spent a couple of hours driving down the streets of the really, really wealthy who have homes on Miami Beach – amazing homes.

Part of the main courses at dinner
Tonight we met our friends from our last cruise, Jeff and Vera who will also be on this cruise. We met them at their hotel on the beach for drinks and then piled everyone into our car to go to the restaurant.

At the restaurant, wee also met their friends and business partner from New York Hal and Lynore who now live in Boca Raton. We went to a famous restaurant on south beach, Joe’s Stone Crabs. This is not the chain Joes Crab shack; this is a Miami institution having been open for 91 years. It serves 2,000 diners on a busy night and tonight was one of those nights. It is huge and seats 500 people.

They do not take reservations and when we got there at 8pm, the wait was two hours; however, Hal knew someone and we were able to get right in. We had stone crabs, crab cakes, artichoke hearts, key lime pie and a few other items that we all shared. When we left at 10:30pm, there was still a big line to be seated.

After dropping Joe and Vera off at their hotel, we headed up the beach to our hotel and crashed for the evening.

Tomorrow the beach.

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