Monday, March 5, 2012

Spring 2012– Day 5

We woke up to absolutely perfect weather. Light winds, no clouds and tempteture to be somewhere in the low 80’s!!

They had 4 kinds of fruit like this for lunch in the Aqua Spa!
Ed was up early to get deck chairs and eat breakfast while Barb slept in for a little – it was a late night last night. By 10 we were both on the deck relaxing in the sun.

We only have this day at sea and then 4 stops in a row before our last day at sea– so this is the day to relax.

We were on the deck until a little after noon when we ate lunch and came in to clean up and go to the slot tournament at 2pm.

Dressed for dinner

Both of us failed to qualify for the finals, but we had fun.

Then we walked around and went back to the cabin and rested until it was time to get ready for formal night.

Formal night is always fun, having pictures taken, dancing and watching people.

On this ship, the show times are 7pm and 9pm. It works great because we have late seating for dinner at 8:30pm so we go to the early show. That is wonderful for us because then we can go directly to the casino after dinner, play a couple of hours and still be back in the cabin before 2am.

The show was a big production number and dinner was excellent. They do an amazing job for all the people that they feed.

On the ship there are 2,800 guests from 40 countries and 1,200 staff from 70 countries!!!

Ed's filet for dinner

Tonight the doors to the public outside decks were closed because of high winds.  It is a little choppy and we can feel the ship rolling, which is very unusal.

Then it was on to the casino where Ed and Barb both lost.

Tomorrow we stop at George Town, Grand Cayman, and the first of four stops.

Swans made by the room stewart from towells

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