Thursday, March 7, 2013

Spring 2013 – Day 8

A day at sea and a day of relaxation.

As usual, Ed was up early and reserved the deck chairs and ate breakfast.

Barb came up and we stayed in the sun until 12:30 and the sun was just about perfect and it was 80 degrees.

We cleaned up and when to the casino where Ed won the blackjack tournament!!

By then it was late in the afternoon so Ed took his nap and then we got ready for an early dinner.

Dinner was at the Captains Table and our host was the Hotel Director, who we had met before. There were three other couples with us and it was a fun experience. Barb had Lobster and Ed had Beef Wellington.  The Hotel Director is responsible for everything except the running of the ship and its maintance.  She and the Staff Captain are the only two people that report to the Captain of the ship so this was quite an honor to being asked to dinner with her.

After dinner, we went to the show and it was the music of Broadway and it was really good.

Then we went back down to the dinning room and sat with Jeff and Vera until they had finished their dinner and of course it was up to the casino.

Barb and Ed both lost, but we are still ahead every so slightly for the trip. Tonight Ed played blackjack for three hours which helps his ratings.

It’s 1:30 am and time for bed; however, we do set our clock back one hour tonight – that will help.

Tomorrow is our last day and we have to pack (ugh).


Ed with the blackjack trophy and winnings, with the dealer and our casino host. Nicki

Barb picking out pictures

Ready for the night out

Barb's Lobster

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