Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Europe – Day 2

We slept in until 8am and then went up and ate at their roof-top restaurant.  What a nice, top quality place it is.

Then it was out and up two blocks to the subway and one of our favorite places, this great big flea market that is only open until 2pm.  Who knows where they get their merchandise, but wow is it cheap.  Barb bought 4 scarves and a great leather carrying case with also a smaller purse inside and Ed bought a shirt.

Then we took the subway back to the main station and boarded a train to take a 41 minute train ride to the Pope’s summer residence.  The ride was fine; however, we then had to walk up hill on a winding road for 30 minutes until we reached the town which is high above a volcanic lake - really picturesque!!

The town is very, very small with one 3 block in and then a center courtyard and at the end is this massive building which is the Pope’s and they do not have tours but it was neat to see the town and the view was fantastic.  We spent some time wandering the stores, Barb bought 3 more scarves and then we were told there were stairs down behind a church and so we took them, cutting our trip down by 15 minutes.

Back to Rome, we dropped off our packages and then took the subway to the Spanish Steps and walked around like tourists. 

Back to the hotel, we met Jeff and Vera and another couple David and Barbara, who are playing blackjack with us and we went to this delightful Roman restaurant.  We spent a couple of hours eating and drinking wine.  Then we asked the owner where the best gelato place was and instead of giving us direction, he took us in his car – a VW Jette – with 2 in the front seat and 5 in the back seat, 3 guys on the seats and Barb and Vera on our laps.  What a nice gesture the owner did and we laughed getting in and out of the car.

A short walk back around the hotel and it is now midnight and time to finish the blog and go to bed.

Barb is still a little shaky but doing better than last Saturday. 

Night from Rome another nice day.
You just gotta have another one
A long walk up - 30 min.

Old and new friends!!

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