Friday, December 6, 2013

Day 8

Today was 81 by 9:00am, but the only problem was that it was cloudy by 10:00am.  So we sat on the deck for a while, and then went to the Aqua Spa to eat.

After that we cleaned up and and went to a new matinee show – the first time we have been on a ship where they had a production show in the afternoon, so it gave us something different to do.  It was a wonderful show featuring the singers on the ship.

After the show we came back to the cabin and got our packing out of the way.  We then went to the casino where Ed hit for a great streak that put him ahead. 

Back to the room for a short nap before dressing for dinner.

Our new friends from Washington DC joined us for dinner with our original dinner partners from Rhoad Island and we had a good time enjoying each others company.

Then it was on to the casino where Barb lost a little and Ed gave back some of his afternoon winnings.  The good news is that we ended up almost even and built up a lot of time to qualify for our next cruise.

All-in-all it was a relaxing trip and we are ready to get back home and get ready for Christmas.

See everyone soon and this is our last blog for this trip.

Night – on our way to Miami and home.
Singers at the afternoon show

Tim and Barb from Washington DC

Arthur and Karen from Rhode Island

Ready to go out for the evening

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