Tuesday, July 8, 2014

July 4 2014 – Day 6

What a beautiful day it was when we got up late at 8:00am.  We were the only ones up in the house until Jeff came down at 8:45am for a swim and then he got ready for work and left at 9:30am.

It is so beautiful sitting around their pool in the morning listening to the birds and just relaxing.  A little later Vera came out and joined us.  They wake up a lot later than we do and of course their life style is very different also.

We left at noon and headed for Jeff’s office which is on the top floor of a beautiful office complex, saw Jeff’s office and said hi to him – then it was on to lunch.

For lunch we went to their Country Club, the Pine Hollow Country Club.  The grounds and club house were once owned by one of the Vanderbilt’s and it was spectacular!  After lunch, we toured the grounds and saw the very large pool, the tennis courts and some of the golf course.

Then we drove around the East Norwich area looking at huge houses before heading back to Vera’s house and some afternoon time in and by the pool.

At 7:00pm, Jeff got home from work and we took off for Brooklyn to their favorite Pizza restaurant called L & B Spumoni Gardens.  The place was jammed when we got there at 8:00pm after driving by Coney Island and the Boardwalk but they had called ahead and we got right in.  The service and the pizza were wonderful. 
After dinner, Jeff drove us about an hour to the base of the Brooklyn Bridge to go to a famous ice cream shop.  The problem was that we got there at 10:05, 5 minutes after they closed!

So by then it was time to go back to their house and since we all had to get up early the next morning, we all went to our rooms.

Tomorrow is our last day on this trip as we leave for home in the morning and Vera will drive us to the airport to say goodbye for now.

This has been a wonderful trip, first to Philadelphia and then to Jeff and Vera’s for some relaxation, fun and laughter and we did it all.  Jeff and Vera are very special people and we enjoyed their company and friends very much.  Of course it is special to have a live-in maid – it was like living in a resort.  And then there was the opportunity to spend time with their friends, Barbara and David and also with Jeff’s mom.  All-in-all a very special trip that we will remember always.

We will see them next on our February 28th cruise from San Juan.

Night from New York – see you in Merna!!

Barb leaving our bedroom

Jeff's office is on the top floor - right building
Pine Hollow Country Club, East Norwich, NY
Dinner - and yes we are happy!!

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