Thursday, July 3, 2014

July 4, 2014

Watson is always watching over us!
We had a very sad start to a much anticipated trip when yesterday a tragedy hit our home with the lost of our beloved dog, Watson.  Watson was 9 years old and unexpectedly, he died in the morning.  Barb heard him cry out at about 6am and by 7am he had passed away.  He will be very much missed as he was a major part of our lives.
For our July 4th trip in 2014, we are going to be in Philadelphia from July 3 until July 6 when we will take the train to New York and meet out friends, Jeff and Vera.  For years they have offered to host us and we finally are close enough to go see them.

We left the house at 4:45am for a 6:00am flight to Atlanta where we changed planes to Philadelphia.  The plane was right on time and we walked off the plane right into a taxi as we only had a carry-on each. 
The Marriott checked us in early and we un-packed quickly and headed by local bus for our first stop, the Independence Visitors Center where we picked up our tickets for the 2:00pm tour of Independence Hall.
After the tour, we walked over to the U.S. Mint and it was interesting; however, they were not producing any coins but did have some good displays.
Then it was back to the Marriott by bus where we then walked a block to the giant Reading Terminal Market – a giant enclosed market selling anything and everything food.  We had some samples and then a great pastry. 
Then it was over to the Marriott and dinner in the Concierge Lounge. We had planned to go out to eat, but here was no reason to do so when we could eat for free.  After that we headed back to the Visitors Center, only  6 blocks away, to see a couple of short movies about centered on Independence.  The movies were over, so we took the bus back to the Marriott, rested for a little and then back up to the Concierge Lounge for evening snacks.
The neat thing is the public transportation system is free for seniors – what a great savings.  The hotel is right on the main bus and subway line so getting around is going to be easy.

Since we have been up since 4:00am, we are going to bed early – but it has been a nice day. 

Night Watson – you are missed.

                                                         Part of Independence Hall

In the Market

WOW - powered sugar stuffed with strawberries!!
Dinner in the Concierge Lounge

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