Saturday, October 18, 2014

Asia – Day 11, Saturday, October 18, 2015

Our third sea day and the sun was out and the wind was calm; however, it was not warm enough to sit in the sun so Ed worked on getting the photos from the last three days in order and Barb slept in.

After breakfast, we went to a steak cooking demonstration by the head chef and of course the next thing to do was to have lunch.

Barb played a little slots and then it was time for the 2:00pm slot tournament.  Neither of us qualified for the finals so Ed played blackjack and did very well.  Barb played slots and made up for most of her losses earlier.

Then we went and played bingo where in each of the three games we got down to only needing one space and didn’t win.

Nap time was next.

Tonight was the second formal night and an early 7:00pm show,

The show was titled “Simply Ballroom” and was a fun performance put on by the cast of the ship.

After the show, we walked around and had pictures taken and then it was time for dinner.

For dinner, we were guests of the Casino and our Hosts, Selma and Snead in the Olympic specialty restaurant.  We had a delightful dinner and also learned a lot about the hosts.  Selma is leaving at Jeju Island to fly home to Africa and her new home on the beach.  Snead is replacing her as the host for the Casino. 

After dinner, we went to the Casino and did very well.

Then it was back to the room to finish  the blog and get ready for Soul, Korea – it should be interesting.

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