Monday, October 27, 2014

Asia – Day 20, Monday, October 27, 2015

             What a beautiful day it was when we awoke in Tokyo.

Ed, as usual, had breakfast while Barb got ready. 

First we went to a Buddhist Temple that on the outside showed an Indian influence and then on the inside it was all Japanese.  It was very peaceful and a lot of people were worshiping there. 

Then it was off to the gigantic Tsukiji fish market.  If you wanted to see the Tuna auction that goes on every day, you had to be one of the first 60 in line at 5:00am.  That was a little too early for us, so we missed that auction.

But we did experience one of the largest markets we have ever been to.  It also seemed like every other stall was a restaurant as well as a wholesaler of fish products.  There also were a few other vendors there but mostly they were fish vendors.

We ate samples at a lot of the booths and also purchased food as we worked our way through the stalls. 

We ate tuna, calamari, squid, a root vegetable and then what Ed liked the best was a seaweed wrapped item made up of rice and vegetables or some type of seafood.  It was really good and he had a couple of different types.

Then we took the subway to the Tokyo Tower, the largest free standing broadcasting tower in the world.  The highest we could go was to the 450 meter level, which is 1,476 feet tall.  The elevator in the tower went up 115 stories in 50 seconds – that’s fast!  Had we know how long it would take we might not have gone up the tower, but we did.  It probably took us 1 ½ hours just to get to the window to purchase the tickets.  Then you took an elevator to the 350 meter level and then purchased another ticket and another elevator to get to the 450 meter level.  On a clear day, you could see Mt. Fuji; however, it was not clear today.

Next we were back on the subway going across town to see one of the famous Shinto shrines, the Meiji Jingu Shrine.   The souls of an Emperor and Empress are enshrined here.  The gourds are massive and have approximately 100,000 trees along with some beautiful ponds and walkways.  It was a very peaceful place to be.

By then it was 5:30pm so we took the subway back to the hotel for a nap.  After an hour nap, we took the subway to a major shopping, food and entertainment area when we walked around a lot and then had dinner.

All we know for sure was that both dishes were very good.  One was very spicy; however, we finished both of them.

Then it was time to go back to the hotel for the evening.

Tomorrow we have the morning in Tokyo and then we take a shuttle bus to the airport and WE ARE COMING HOME!!

If we get a chance, we will write about tomorrow; however, if we don’t it will be because we ran out of time.

It has been a wonderful trip and can’t wait to be home.

Night from Tokyo.
Toilet seat controls

Rice, other things and seaweed

Going for a walk at the Shrine

Part of the gardens at the Shrine

Snack time
Dinner tonight

Shopping area where we ate dinner
The alter at the Shrine


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