Sunday, October 12, 2014

Asia - Day 3, October 10, 2015

We really crashed the night before and we were well on our way to catching up on our sleep when, at 3:21am, the phone rang with question about a customer’s bill for our latest event.   The problem was that after the call, it was impossible to go back to sleep so we were up much too early.

 First thing in the morning, the Asst Manager took us to the highest library in the world on the 59th floor and then thru a “secret” door out onto the roof – what a neat sight from up there.

Then I spent sometime in the Executive Lounge with the Manager trying to find a way to get tour blog.  It seems that going into web design for our blog is blocked because it is part of Google, which is blocked here.  Also blocked is Facebook and Twitter!!

 We met our guide and driver at 9:30am and off we went.  One of the amazing things about this city, which is the largest in the word, 3 times the size of New York and 10 times Chicago is its lack of traffic.  They have great wide main streets but hardly any automobiles.  It is so neat to go out on the streets at 9am and no hear traffic.

 We first went to the Shanghai Museum, the Jade Buhhda Temple, and a silk factory and then it was time for lunch.  At the Museum, we saw amazing works of porcelain from 13 bc as well as bronze works from as early as 6th century bc – what a great museum.  The Jade Buhhda Temple is one of the most famous Buddha religious temples in Shanghai.  At the silk factory, we saw how silk is actually made into materials.  Their biggest product that they were displaying were comforters for beds and of course they wanted us to buy one – we didn’t.

We then had a traditional Chinese lunch at a nice restaurant before going to an area call The French Concession.   This is an area made up of old streets with a lot of shops and restaurants.  Then it was onto the YuYun Gardens were 400 years ago a very wealthy politician built these amazing gardens for himself. 

After that we went to the YuYan Tourist Mart which is a huge market that serves over 37 million Chinese and overseas visitors each year.  Basically, there are lost places to eat and lots and lots of places to shop!!  We spent a couple of hours there, ate dinner and then met out guide and driver to go on a night-time river cruise.

 It was perfect weather for a boat cruise and it was a lot of fun.  This is an amazing city and everything along the waterfront is lit up at night – it makes quite a sight.

 The costs of items is very interesting.  There is not a lot of tipping – nothing to cab drivers and restaurant workers.  Also, food is very cheap.  Our dinner tonight cost about $5.00.  But then other things are very expensive.  Our driver and guide were excited when they say my new iPhone 6 the first day.  Today, they announced pre-sales in China and a new iPhone 6 will cost $1,124  - and they are made here!  I only paid $299 plus received a $200 trade-in. 

This is such an interesting brand new city that we are seeing.  Most of the major sections were built after 1990.  Our guide said that Shanghai has all of the money and Beijing has all of the power so it will be interesting visiting both of them.

After the cruise, we were taken back to the hotel where we went up the Executive Lounge for snacks and then back to the room where we went to sleep -this time making it up until 9:0pm.



Lunch was good



A great lunch

The Gardens

Skyline from the river cruise




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