Friday, January 9, 2015

January 2015 – Day 2, Friday, January 9

It was a fun day for our first full day in San Juan.  Ed got up first and had breakfast then we walked about ½ mile to a Walgreens to pick up pop and Kahula for the cruise.  The only problem was that it rained on us about 4 times as we were walking to Walgreens.   
After we got back, we changed and went out on the beach, first eating at the ocean front grill. 
We stayed out on the beach until about 4pm and yes we probably got a little too much sun, but it was fun.
Then it was up to the room to clean up and we walked to the bus stop to take a bus to Old San Juan.  After waiting for about ½ hour, we gave up and took a cab to town.
We walked around, bought a magnet and then took a cab back to the area of the hotel where we went to a local restaurant that we had seen on our walk in the morning.
The food was really good and we had three appetizers for our dinner.  One was Sweet Plantains (basically a banana) stuffed with shrimp or ground beef with garlic cream sauce.  Then we had crab portaricon fritters, beef portaricon fritters.  The last appetizer was a sweet Plantain hollowed out with mixed vegetables topped with cheddar cheese.  All three of these appetizers were served hot and when we were finished we did not need a main course.
We walked back to the hotel and changed clothes and went down to the casino.  Barb did not play slots as the only slot machine she likes was a penny machine and she didn’t want to play it.  Ed played blackjack for over an hour and just broke even but it was good practice for the cruise.
As it is Friday night, they had a band and a DJ playing in the lounge for Salsa dancing we sat and had a free Rum drink the hotel had given us.  After that it was time to go up to the room – big day tomorrow – sun on the beach first and then onto the ship for our cruise.
Night from San Juan.
The beach

A new friend for our new puppy - about 6 feet long!!
Sweet Plantains (basically a banana) stuffed with shrimp or ground beef with garlic cream sauce on the left.  Then crab portaricon fritters, beef portaricon fritters on the right.

A sweet Plantain hollowed out with mixed vegetables topped with cheddar cheese

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