Thursday, February 26, 2015

Spring – 2015 – Day 2

After Ed had breakfast, we went out to the beach and stayed in wonderful, hot sun until11:00am when we came in, showered and changed for lunch.

When we first came to this Marriott a number of years ago, we had a host every time by the name of Jose Soto.   Last September, in a casino downsizing, Jose lost his job; however, he and his wife Irene wanted to meet us for lunch. 

They picked us up at Noon and we went off to the mountains where they stopped at a roadside stand where we had lunch.  The food was roasted pig on a spit, Plantains (a type of bananas) and meat wrapped in some kind of plant while it was steamed.  We also had a type of sweet potato, rice and beans and blood sausage.  Ed really liked the food, Barb not so much.

After a ½ hour back to Old San Juan, they dropped us off at the Governor’s House – the home of the leader of San Juan for a tour.  We didn’t get to go inside because of renovations; but, we did tour the grounds.

Then we walked down the main Old San Juan shopping street until we came to the end of the street and then we took a taxi back to the hotel.

We rested a bit before going back out and taking a taxi to meet our friends, Jeff and Vera and Barb and David and a new couple Harvey and Monica all from New York who we have cruised and gambled with several times.  We will also eat with them the rest of the cruise as they are also going on this cruise.

Dinner at La Piccola Fontana was exactly the opposite of lunch.   A country local meal versus a city “hotsy-totsy” meal and they were both great.  Dinner was an Italian meal in a luxurious environment and is a leader on the island in Italian dining. 
Jeff and Vera found it a number of years ago.

We had a table for 8 in the main room and the noise level was so loud that the waiter could not hear our order so they moved us to a table in another room where the noise level was lower.
 After dinner, we watched the band and dancing for a little bit and then we took a cab back to our hotel and they walked to theirs.  What fun it was to see old friends and now make new ones - it should be a great cruise!!

We have nothing planned for tomorrow except relaxing in the sun, eating and then going to eat with our friends tomorrow night – should be a fun day.
Night from San Juan

Serving our lunch!!

Jose, Irene and Barb at lunch

Entrance to the Governor's House

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