Friday, March 6, 2015

Spring 2015 - Day 10

Today is the last full day of our cruise and we are in St. Thomas.   We have been so blessed to travel a lot and enjoy places in the world that others only dream about.  St.Thomas has always been one of our favorite islands – with store owners we knew and neat places to shop for jewelry for both of us

Today however, we are not even going into town as we were just there and really don’t need or want anything!!
For years we have passed by a butterfly farm on the way into town and it is only a short walk from the port so that is where we headed first.
After the butterfly farm, we walked back to port and through the shops that had been built for the cruise ships.  Then it was back to the ship and lunch with our friends at12:30pm.
The rest of the day you probably know by now but we will tell it anyway!!
After lunch we went up onto the deck to sit out in the sun for the last time for this cruise.  Barb has really, really gotten a tan.  Ed’s tan is less in the face because of the medicine he was taken made his skin sensitive to the sun.
After the sun we came back to the cabin and started to pack and then took a nap.
After our nap, we walked around the ship looking at the shops on the ship which we had not even gone into during this cruise.
Then we went to see the show in the theater which was a good production number with the cast of the ship.
Our last dinner was fun and a little sad, but we know we will see all of our tablemates again on a future cruise as we have already made plans.  Barbara and David had asked the chef to make special bread and also two pastries for a Jewish tradition and he was planning on doing it yesterday, but didn’t have all the ingredients.  Today he sent someone to the store and he made the bread and pastries just for our table – what a treat.
After dinner of course we went to the casino where Barb won and Ed lost.  The great news is that for the cruise we were both up nicely, the weather was great and we made new friends.
We will be home tomorrow and are looking forward to spring with our families and our new puppy.
Tomorrow is San Juan and we will go to the Marriott for a few hours and then go to the airport for the plane home, arriving in Bloomington on Delta at 9:43pm.

The Butterfly Farm

Just landed

The pool deck

Almost packed!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Spring – 2015 – Day 9

Our first and only day at sea on the way to St. Thomas. 

Ed woke up early at 9:00am to go up on the deck and save some lounge chairs and then eat.  Barb followed at 9:30am and we stayed in the sun until Noon.  We have had some wonderful sun days and Barb of course has a great tan.

Then we met our friends on the back of the ship for lunch.

After that it was time for the slot tournament where both of us qualified for the final.  Ed came in third and won our entry fees back.
While waiting for the blackjack tournament we entered the no-cost craps tournament and didn't win anything.

Then Ed played in the blackjack tournament and was leading going into the last hand.  He had to bet first and needed not a 4,5,6,7,or 8 to win; however, he busted and our friend Tim won.

After the tournaments while Barb played slots, Ed booked our Oct 2016 cruise from Hong Kong to Singapore, including Vietnam and Thailand and boarding October 30.  It should be a fun cruise.

So the cruises that we have booked are:
Oct – Turkey, Croatia and the Greek Islands
Jan – South America – Buenos Aires, Argentina to Valparaiso, Chile
Mch – Ft. Lauderdale to Columbia, South America and back
Oct - Asia – Hong Kong to Singapore

Barb did well at slots in the afternoon and then it was time for a nap.

After our nap, we dressed for our second formal night and went to the theater to see a comedian who was funny but not great and we had seen him before.

We sat with Tim and Barb people watching and then went to dinner.

Dinner was good and we had to leave before desert as they were have a drawing in the casino.

After the drawing which was very good, we all went up to the casino for their big $1,000 give-a-way drawing.  None of us won anything.  Then we gambled where Ed broke even and Barb hit a small jackpot.

The great news is no matter what happens tomorrow night, our last night on the ship we will come out ahead in the casino!!

Tomorrow is our final stop – St. Thomas and we are not sure what we are going to do except first sleep late.  We will tell you tomorrow.
Barb at Craps


Carla - our very special Pit Boss

Going out for our second formal night

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Spring 2015 - Day 8

We are now in Grenada which is a very small island and not many cruise ships stop here – about 9 a month.  Grenada is called the “Spice Island” because of all spicy products they produce.  They produce cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg and many more spices.

Once again, after a late night, we woke up late and finally left the ship at 10:00am and walked down the pier into town.  Town is very, very tiny so it didn’t take long for us to finish walking around and we came back through the port shops and went to the ship.

We met our friends on the back of the ship outside at 12:30pm and had lunch and just talked until time to go up on the deck and get some sun.

After a couple of hours in the hot sun, we came in and napped – we are in such a rut!!!

After our nap, we walked around the ship and booked a cruise for next October, a 10 day one that goes from Ft.Lauderdale to Bonaire, Curacao and Aruba with an overnight in Curacao.  We will do this trip instead of going to Europe or Asia in2016 as there are no new itineraries for us to try.

We then went to the 7:00pm show and after that people watched until it was time for dinner.

Dinner was again with all ten of us and they gave us a new table on the first floor and the service was terrific.  We have asked for that table for the next two nights also.

Then it was time for the casino where Barb and Ed were both down, just a little.

Tomorrow we will also sleep late as we have a sea day before stopping at our last island, St. Thomas.
Ready to go out in the morning


The island and the smaller harbor

A trip around the island

Food stand!!







Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Spring 2015 - Day 7

It is the island of Dominica today.  Dominica is a very little island and when we were here before, carnival was going on.  Today it is just a little peaceful island with just our cruise ship in port.

After the very long night last night, we woke up and left the ship at 10:00am.

The town is a nice little town and it had a lot of tent type souvenir stands.  This is one of the few ports where there was not a made for the tourists buildings right at the end of the dock so it was fun going into town.

For lunch we found a local restaurant and had their stew, consisting of pork, rice and beans, plantains, breadfruit and coleslaw and it was very good.

As we were heading back to the ship around noon it started to rain so we sat inside a shop for 10 minutes while it cleared up. 

Then we went back to the ship and sat inside with our friends for about an hour before it cleared up and of course we then went to the pool deck to sit in the sun.

We all talked about what cruise we would take next March for our “Blackjack Reunion” cruise and we settled on an 11 night cruise starting February 22 from Ft. Lauderdale that goes all the way to Columbia, South America – so we booked it.

After our nap, we got ready for the evening and went to the show in the theater that we had seen last cruise.  It was one of the best magicians that we had ever seen.

Dinner in the main dining room was with everyone and it was a typical dinner but tonight they had corrected the service problem that we had experience two nights ago.

Then it was to the casino where Barb lost a little and Ed had a great run and we left the casino at 1:00am after playing two hours.

Tomorrow is Grenada so night from the ocean.

The town from our ship

Yes - this is a local real bar!!
Lunch at Pearl's


Monday, March 2, 2015

Spring – 2015 – Day 6

After a very late night, we woke up at 8:00am when the Captain made the announcement that the ship was ready to disembark guests at St. Kitts – we went back to sleep.

St. Kitts is a very small island with lots of dormant volcanoes, pink beaches and gorgeous green hills.  As we have been here a number of times, there was nothing that we wanted to see and instead of going to a beach, we decided to just sit in the sun on the ship.

We finally made if off the ship at 10:00am and walked into town, stopping at tourists shops along the way.   We found nothing that we wanted to see so we came back from town and did a little shopping in the stands leading to the ship.

Barb bought some earrings and Ed a shirt and we were back on board at Noon.

We ate lunch with our black jack group outside on the back of the ship and sat around and talked for a couple of hours.

Then it was back to the cabin to change to sit out on the deck and work on our tans.

Ed came back to the cabin early to work on a web site he needed to finish and then went down to the future cruise sailing desk to see what was going to be new in 2016 and 2017.  So far we have a South American cruise booked for January of 2016.  We are looking to find a cruise for all of our black jack friends to take a year from now.

Nap time was next.

After our naps, we went to the theater to see a trio singing Motown songs and they were very good.

The Casino Manager and our Host had invited us all to dinner in the specialty restaurant so we met them at 8:30pm for a delightful evening meal.

Then it was to the casino where we both did very and finished the evening at 2:00am!!

Tomorrow we arrive at the island of Dominica and we have no plans but to sleep late and simply walk around in the port.

Night for now

Two ships at the dock

The clock in the center of town

Barb buying earrings

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Spring – 2015 – Day 5

We slept until 7:30am and when we awoke we were in St. Croix, part of the US Virgin Islands.  It is a very small island, measuring about 84 square miles.  The deep water port is on the west side where the land is very picturesque and green.  Then in the center is the mountains and the rain forest and on the east side it is very dry and sandy.

We walked off the ship at 8:15am as we had a walking tour of the town of Frederiksted that started at 8:40am.  We booked the tour on our own and paid $20 each for the tour and were joined by some people who booked through the ship and paid $50 each!!  The tour lasted until12:30pm and while it was a lot of walking, we did have fun and learned a lot about the island, particularly about the home remedies that they have from the trees, fruits and vegetables. 

Our tour guide told us about a local restaurant that was run by the mother and her two sons.  We went there and had conch fritters and than a meal of conch in lots of a butter sauce, fried plantains, spicy rice and beans and sweet potato salad with grapes.  Yes, we BOTH  ate it all it is was wonderful.

We shopped for a while and then came back to the ship to be in the sun.  We stayed out for 1 ½ hours and then had to come in as the sun is very hot.  Ed showered and worked on a web site for one of the fall shows that needed to be finished and Barb walked around for a little bit.

Then it was time for a nap.

After our nap, we got ready for the evening and it was the first of two formal nights and went downstairs to people watch and have our formal pictures taken.  We met up with Tim and Barb and sat and talked with them until it was time for dinner.

Dinner was long as our wait staff tonight was not very good but we were finally in the casino at 11:00am.   We should have stayed out as we both, and our entire group, lost tonight – but tomorrow we will try again.  At least we are still up.

Tomorrow is St. Kitts and we do not have anything planned so we will wake up late and go into town to enjoy the island.
Furniture from 1830


The owner

Our ship from the port


First formal night

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