Sunday, March 1, 2015

Spring – 2015 – Day 5

We slept until 7:30am and when we awoke we were in St. Croix, part of the US Virgin Islands.  It is a very small island, measuring about 84 square miles.  The deep water port is on the west side where the land is very picturesque and green.  Then in the center is the mountains and the rain forest and on the east side it is very dry and sandy.

We walked off the ship at 8:15am as we had a walking tour of the town of Frederiksted that started at 8:40am.  We booked the tour on our own and paid $20 each for the tour and were joined by some people who booked through the ship and paid $50 each!!  The tour lasted until12:30pm and while it was a lot of walking, we did have fun and learned a lot about the island, particularly about the home remedies that they have from the trees, fruits and vegetables. 

Our tour guide told us about a local restaurant that was run by the mother and her two sons.  We went there and had conch fritters and than a meal of conch in lots of a butter sauce, fried plantains, spicy rice and beans and sweet potato salad with grapes.  Yes, we BOTH  ate it all it is was wonderful.

We shopped for a while and then came back to the ship to be in the sun.  We stayed out for 1 ½ hours and then had to come in as the sun is very hot.  Ed showered and worked on a web site for one of the fall shows that needed to be finished and Barb walked around for a little bit.

Then it was time for a nap.

After our nap, we got ready for the evening and it was the first of two formal nights and went downstairs to people watch and have our formal pictures taken.  We met up with Tim and Barb and sat and talked with them until it was time for dinner.

Dinner was long as our wait staff tonight was not very good but we were finally in the casino at 11:00am.   We should have stayed out as we both, and our entire group, lost tonight – but tomorrow we will try again.  At least we are still up.

Tomorrow is St. Kitts and we do not have anything planned so we will wake up late and go into town to enjoy the island.
Furniture from 1830


The owner

Our ship from the port


First formal night

1 comment:

Unknown said...

lovely colours
looking good
Charlotte xx

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