Friday, October 23, 2015

Europe - 2015 Day 16

The day everyone hates came today – the end of the cruise.  We had a car take us to the hotel at 9:00am so we were up at 7:00am to meet Jeff and Vera at 8:00am and get through customs. 

We were actually a little early for the car; however, we had a great porter who found the van and loaded everything into it.

It was a short cab ride to our hotel, the AC Marriott Istanbul.  The AC is a chain of European, very modern hotels that Marriott bought a few years ago.  We were upgraded to a beautiful suite – too bad we have to leave tomorrow.

After checking in, we met Jeff and Vera who wanted to take us to a famous Synagogue and we took a cab to it; however, it was closed.  So, Jeff found another that was close and we walked to it.  The problem was we got lost trying to find it so it was a long, long walk with a couple of steep hills and when we got there, it also was closed.

We got a cab to take us to our next destination, lunch and found a delightful restaurant on a street we had been on a couple of weeks ago.  We had a great lunch.

Then it was time for the highlight of Turkey for us – a Turkish Bath called a “Haman”.  We went to an original Haman that was built in 1557 and is still used and while it has been remodeled, it was still an amazing place and experience. It was all marble and wood and it was like being treated as royalty.

Jeff and Ed went into one part of the Haman and Barb and Vera went into the other part as the men and women had separate facilities.  We each had a 90 minute package which included a very hot room to start the sweat going.  Then we were given a body scrub, followed by a moisturizing body clay mask.  Then they washed us off with an amazing bubble wash ritual.  Then they gave us a rub down, followed by a 30 minute total Aromatherapy massage, including using oils.  It was an amazing experience and one we all would do again.

When we finished it was raining and it took over an hour to get a cab so we went back to the hotel to rest for a couple of hours before going out for dinner.

Dinner was different in that we had lamb and pork instead of fish at a local place that was close as it was really raining hard.

After dinner we came back to the hotel and said good night and see you next trip to Jeff and Vera who are great friends and great to travel with.  Two totally different couples from totally different backgrounds and parts of the country but we travel well together. 

Night from Istanbul and we will be home tomorrow  landing in Chicago at 6:30pm and we miss everyone.

Love from Gram and Ed - Night - Night

Ready to go home


Sea Bass

Cooking area outside

 Ayasofya Hurem Sultan Barh - 1557

The men's entry room

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