Sunday, January 3, 2016

New Years - 2016 - Day 3

After a full night’s sleep, we awoke to beautiful weather for our first full day in Buenos Aires.  The temp hit 90 degrees in the late afternoon.

We went down to the restaurant and had breakfast.  It is a good thing that we are receiving the breakfast for free as the bill was $68 US for two!!  A pretty expensive buffet considering how inexpensive food has been here.

Then we met our guide Richard from Buenos Aires Tours in the lobby at 9:00am for our all day private tour.

Richard was wonderful.  He was originally from Queens, New York City had been married to a Spanish lady and was now married to an Argentina and had a family with two daughters.  He took us on a 9 hour walking tour of the city and it was a great tour.  We saw the old city, the new city and everything in between including the most amazing cemetery we have ever visited where many famous and powerful people are buried including Eva Peron.  We took advantage of the fact that it was only us on the tour and so we could stop whenever we wanted to.  So we took a break in the morning at a neat café, then had lunch at a very tiny bar close to where Richard once lived and then a break towards the end for snacks again.

Barb’s back and Ed’s knees held up and by 6:00pm we were back in the room for  1/2 nap and then it was time to go to the Tango show and dinner we had booked.  The show was called “We Are Tango” and it was a really, really fun time. 

Arriving at the location, we rang the doorbell and someone opened it up and we went up one flight of stairs to the show.  The owners of the show are two men in their late 30’s probably and they only take 10 couples a night for the show.  The show traces the history of Tango and the different versions of it as it went from generation to generation.  The dance floor was 10’ x 12’ and the 10 couple were arrange around the floor in a “U” shape so everyone had a front seat.  They also had 3 piece live bands who were very good and the singer was great.

We first met a couple from Bolivia at the beginning on our left and then a couple from Washington DC on our right.  We spent a lot of time talking to the young couple from Washington and talking about traveling – they were fun.  They were travelling around the lower part of South America on their own.

After the show ended, the dancers gave us a Tango lesson – we think we got it but I don’t suppose we will have many places to practice it.

We took a taxi back to the hotel and at midnight got into the room.

All told, we walked 18,266 steps today – and that’s a lot of steps, but a fun day.

Night from Buenos Aires.
Richard from Buenos Aires Tours

This was a private home - now the Vatican's embassy

The Cemetary

Tango dancers in front of a cafe

Tango dancers in a park


Having a break

The Tango Show

Taking lessons


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