Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Spring 2016 – Day 5

When we woke up we were already docked in Cozumel, Mexico, which is an island off the Mexican Gulf coast.

There is only one town on the island and we docked at a pier about 10 minutes from downtown in an area that was made for the cruise ship with all of the new tourists shops and tourists restaurants. 

But, we were not staying at the port as we had an excursion to a Dolphin encounter.  Tim and Barb had gone to this place before and they were going again on this cruise and asked us to join them so we did and had one of the best tours we have had.   We drove about 10 minutes from town to this great big enclosed dolphin experience.  There were a number of hug “pens” out in the ocean where the dolphins lived.  There were 6 of us at one enclosure and a dolphin handler who taught us hand signals for the dolphin.  The go to experience touching the dolphin all over, even rubbing her belly.

Then we swam out about 50 feet in groups of twos and one was pulled on the dorsal fin back to the dock and the other was on a boogie board and the dolphin would come up from behind and push you back to the dock at a very fast speed.  It was amazing.

After that we went to a holding area where there were Manatees and we got into the water with them and fed them lettuce as they swam around us.

We don’t have any pictures at this time as they would not allow cameras as they were taking pictures and selling them to you.  Of course we bought the pictures on a cd and as soon as we get home, we will download the pictures to the blog.

At noon we took the shuttle back to the main part of town and went shopping in one of the oldest shopping areas in town and had a fun lunch at a restaurant within the shopping area.

We then took a taxi back to the ship and stayed inside for the rest of the afternoon.

We met our friends before the show and all sat together.  Tonight’s show was a comedian from Brooklyn and we all walked of the show shortly after it started as she was really bad.  So we went to the casino for a little bit, then to dinner and back to the casino.

We ended up the day with Barb winning again nicely and Ed lost.

Tonight we set the clocks back an hour and we have a day at sea tomorrow so it should be a relaxing day.


At the Dolphin Experience

Lunch started with a big drink!!


Going out for the evening

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