Saturday, February 27, 2016

Spring 2016 – Day 8

Today we were in Colon, Panama which is the port on the east side of the Panama Canal. 

Again, it was a beautiful day when we woke up and we met Tim and Barbara at the bottom of the gangway at 8:30am.  Jeff and Vera had decided to stay on the ship. 

We arranged with a guide with a van to take the 4 of us to the rainforest and the Gamboa Resort where they have an aerial tram to view the rainforest and the Panama Canal.  We were also going to go to the rescue zoo on the way back to the ship.

When we arrived at the resort after an hour drive we found out that all of the slots in the morning were taken so we made a reservation for 1:30pm and went to the zoo which was close, back down the road.

The zoo was not the greatest zoo we have ever seen, but it was fun and there were a lot of animals.  It was also Saturday so there were a lot of families with kids really enjoying the day, as were we with our driver/guide Jacob leading us around the zoo.

Then we went back to the resort and had lunch and talked while we waited for our reservation time.

We took a shuttle to the tram and the ride was amazing.  We were in a tram car for the 4 of us with a naturalist in the front talking about the rainforest and pointing our items of interest.  The ride was very slow and it took about 20 minutes to get to the top of the mountain.  Then we walked about another 20 minutes up the hill until we arrived at the top where we had a 10 story platform to climb. 

During the walk up, the naturalist pointed out a lot of interesting things, including the many nests of termites that were in the forest.  She opened up one next and offered a termite to eat, after eating one herself Ed took her up on it and he ate two.  The taste was that of wood!!

The climb to the top was on a ramp that revolved around the tower and both of us did not have any trouble making the climb.

The view from the top was amazing we could see the main river that feeds the big lake in the center of the canal and then the canal going both directions.

When we finished in the rain forest it was running late so the guide took us back the fast way and we were back to the ship at 4:00pm.

The rest of the evening followed our usual pattern of:

1.       Getting snacks and eating on our deck.
2.      Taking a nap
3.      Going to the show - it was good.
4.      Going to dinner - it was also good.
5.      Going to the casino where Barb and Barbara both played in a free slot tournament but did win,  Then in a regular session, Barb lost just a little and Ed lost.  The good news is that we are still ahead for the trip.

Tomorrow we land in Cartagena, Colombia and we are there for two days so it should be lots of fun.
The Gambio Resort on the Panama Canal

A Toucan

A termite nest

The 10 story tower we climbed

Our snack on the balcony

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