Thursday, July 7, 2016

July 4 – 2016 – Day 7

It was a beautiful day when we woke up again in Bermuda to start our second day here – perfectly clear sky, no wind and about 80 degrees!

Bermuda is a country of 67,000, all living within 20.75 square miles.  This makes it the fifth smallest country in the world. 
As Tim, Jeff and Vera are playing golf today; Barbara is joining us for a water ferry ride to the town of St. George.  St. George is the former capital of Bermuda and a World Heritage Site consisting of small alleys and it is a great place for the walking tour that we took.
We started the morning walking to the ferry which was just on the other side of the dock area, a 10 minuite walk.
To take a local bus to the old capital was about 1 ½ hours but to take the water ferry it was only 45 minutes and only cost $4.50 each so we took the ferry and relaxed inside in the air-conditioned comfort of the boat.
After we arrived we walked to the Information Center in the middle of the city and found the tour that we were looking for and spent the next hour walking around the old city and seeing the sites and hearing about the many contributions to the world Bermuda has made over the past centuries.   It was a very major trading stop in its early years and also was involved in helping the US in a number of wars.  The country has a fascinating history.
After the tour we had lunch at a great local restaurant and stuffed ourselves with a wonderful fish dish that is pictured below.
Then we took a little locomotive tram for a 45 minute tour of the city and the forts and beaches outside the city – it was fun.
After that tour, we took the ferry back to the ship and it was time for a snack before getting ready for the evenings activities.

Our deck was right in the sun so we ate inside our room and then got ready to go out for the evening.
As everyone who reads this knows, the evening is usually always the same and that is:
1.       Go to the show
2.       Have dinner with friends
3.       Go to the casino
Tonight the show was three female singers who were pretty good.  The meal was wonderful and both Barb & Ed lost in the casino.  The good news is that we are still up for the cruise.
Tomorrow is our last day in Bermuda and we plan to make it a fun day.
Night for now.

The oldest church from the 1600's

Lunch menu

Lunch - the Bermuda Triangle

The tour train - little toot!

One of their famous beaches - in a pretty cove

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