Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Asia – 2017 – Day 12

A day at sea – not much to tell.

It was partly cloudy when we woke up and Ed went to the gym first after eating breakfast.

Then we were on the top deck in some nice sun – probably even a little longer than we should have stayed.

We ate healthy for lunch in the Aqua Spa and then went to the casino to play in the blackjack tournament.  Ed made it to the finals, but didn’t win.  Then we both played a session where Barb was even and Ed won.

After the casino, we got a snack from the buffet and got ready for the show and dinner.

The show was a very good violin player and of course the dinner was fine.

Then it was onto the casino where Barb won and Ed lost.  For the day, Barb was up nicely and Ed was down $10!!

Tomorrow we go to Bangkok, Thailand for overnight. 

It should be fun.


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